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Warhammer: Golden Daemon Painting Tips Anyone Can Appreciate

3 Minute Read
Feb 27 2023

It doesn’t matter if you’re looking to enter in a Golden Daemon miniature-painting contests or not — these tips are useful!

Games Workshop is prepping their Golden Daemon painting competition once again. To help get you in the painting mood they have created a new video that showcases a TON of amazing models from years past along with some nice tips for anyone looking to step-up their hobby game.

via Warhammer Community

“Interested? We’ve prepared a video investigating the history of Golden Demon – which started all the way back in 1987 – and also bring you our top tips for potential entrants.”

Even if you’re not looking to enter the Golden Daemon competition the video is still worth a watch. It goes over the history of the event and shows off many of the winners from years past. There’s a lot of awe inspiring works of art shown off in the video.

Now, if you want to get the full rundown on those tips, watch the video! However there’s two that I think need to really be reiterated because they can be overlooked and a little bit of planning can prevent a whole lot of heartache.

The Big (Yet Overlooked) Tips Anyone Can Use

Tip #5 – Plan Your Basing And How You Want It Displayed

This is super important. There used to be restrictions on bases and such but now, at least for the Golden Daemon, that’s not a rule anymore. So you can get creative and really go nuts here. However, that can also mean you might bite off more than you can chew. That’s why it’s important to PLAN your basing. You might have a really cool concept and an awesome conversion you want to do but how will you base it all?


Here’s a really awesome example. Chris Clayton’s basing is really impressive with the water effects that are going on. It’s top notch work with the waves and it also taps into tip #7 which is “Paint The Whole Miniature.” But I’m willing to be that Chris didn’t just do the water effects on a whim either — there was some degree of planning involved and the pay off speaks for itself.

This idea can be carried over to your everyday Warhammer army, too. You might not want to go the resin effects route but planning on how you want to hobby-up your bases before you start will have a huge impact on your army. Keep in mind you’re creating basing for a whole army so keeping it manageable and repeatable is a big boon. Also, write down how you did the basing. Your future-self will appreciate the notes if you ever need to go back and add more to an existing army.

Tip #8 – Make Sure You Transport Your Miniature(s) Safely


I know this isn’t technically a Golden Daemon Entry but I think the point is made pretty clear with this display. That took a lot of work to do and you can bet that transporting the miniatures (as well as the display) is a careful dance. There’s nothing more heartbreaking that working that hard on the army to have a tragedy happen in transport and have something break. Or multiple breaks. Right now, just thinking about that, is making my chest tighten up. Oof. No thanks!!

If you’re planning on creating a custom work of art please plan how you’re going to transport it. Will it fit in your standard army transport? Do you have enough packing material to keep the model(s) secure. How do you plan on getting the miniatures to whichever event your going to? I’ve seen the logistics of having hobby clubs designate club driving teams to transport armies to an out-of-state event so they didn’t have to fly with them. Transportation is NOT something you want to forget about — Golden Daemon or not.


There’s lots more tips from the video so give it a watch to learn them all!

Author: Adam Harrison
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