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Warhammer: New Tzeentch Miniature Teased

3 Minute Read
Feb 24 2023

To celebrate a massive Twitter milestone Games Workshop is showing off a new Tzeentch miniature coming soon!

This one almost flew under the radar — unless you’re following @Warhammer on Twitter. But if you’re not here it is for the rest of the class:

via Warhammer Community

“To celebrate hitting 99,999 followers on Twitter, we’re showing off this awesome new miniature!


Looks heretical to us. But if you’re brave or foolish enough to dabble in those sorts of things, then head on over to our Twitter page and let us know what you think…”

So this is clearly a Pink Horror. However, it’s not exactly the same type of horror from the unit box:

The Changer of Ways is always uh…changing things. So maybe this is just a new variant. Now, I have seen so discussion about this could be a tease for a new Disciples of Tzeentch book as one of the Chaos books coming in the Spring according to the Road Map:


I don’t buy that for one second however. We’ve long hypothesized that the Khorne and Slaanesh books are next after the upcoming KO book that was teased/confirmed. We’re sticking to that. The Disciples of Tzeentch already got a Battletome for AoS 3.0 in 2022 and GW hasn’t hinted at any plans to update any of the 3.0 battletomes before releasing the rest.

So let’s just squash that one now. However, that still means a new Pink Horror type model is coming. So what could it be from? Well…There’s still options on the table.

Underworlds is getting a new season after the final Warband and Beastbound Assault Rivals Deck comes out. So maybe this is a tease for that.

And let’s not forget about Warcry which has been getting a BUNCH of awesome looking warbands and cool models lately. Both of these options would be great fits for sliding in a Tzeentch unit or two.


There’s also the Arks of Omen event in 40k and whatever comes after that on the 40k side of the house. The fourth book is Xenos related but maybe GW will sneak in a few daemon options just for fun.

So what do you think? How is GW going to fit in this Pink Horror-type model in their future plans?


Tzeentch: plans change. Always.

Author: Adam Harrison
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