You Can Watch a Lot of Anime For Free on YouTube

Viz Media recently uploaded an entire season of some of our favorite animes to YouTube. But that’s not even all of the free anime out there.
Sometimes watching anime can be difficult or pricy. Granted, it’s both easier and less expensive to watch most shows than it was back in the days of buying everything on DVD (or VHS). And those days were riddled with questionable subtitles and worse dubs. By comparison, streaming has made anime pretty fast, easy, and affordable.
But it can always be easier and more affordable. Or even free. These animes are available on YouTube, some in their entirety, and totally for free. Happy Watching!
Sailor Moon
Viz Media recently added a whole bunch of Anime to their YouTube library. Including all of Sailor Moon. Not some of it. Not one or two seasons of it. No, not even all-of-it-except-for-Stars. All of the original Sailor Moon is free on YouTube and subtitled for your enjoyment. Yes, Crystal is still being made and is pretty darn good. But this Sailor Moon? She’s a classic.
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Two shoujo shows in a row? I promise there are other genres out there, but this is my list so I’m starting with two of my personal favorites. Nozomi Entertainment‘s YouTube channel has all of Revolutionary Girl Utena subbed. And at thirty-nine episodes, that’s more Utena than I remember there being!
GundamInfo has lots and lots of Gundam content on YouTube. What’s up there can rotate a little from time to time, but currently, the latest Gundam series, Witch From Mercury is making its way onto the channel. If you haven’t seen it yet, now’s your chance to start watching the season for free.
Death Note
Another title to thank Viz Media for, Death Note is also on YouTube now. Yes, all of it. This is one of those animes that was hyper-popular in high school for a reason. It’s good, sure. But we were also all a little too edgy. If this will be your first time watching Death Note, it’s a pretty fun and very wild ride.
Inu Yasha
If the Inuyasha sequel series made you nostalgic for the original… me too. Well, guess where you can watch all seven seasons of the original Inuyasha right now? You guessed it. Personally, I don’t even know if I managed to watch all of this the first time. But with a playlist of 197 episodes waiting on YouTube, now may be the time.
This is the first time in this list I can’t promise a complete series. But with 220 episodes and eight entire seasons focused on Naruto Uzumaki, Viz Media has uploaded an absolute ton of Naruto for you to enjoy. This is another one of those shows that will immedicably force anybody of a certain age to time travel back to their early anime pre-teen years. And that’s a kind of nostalgia that’s really precious. I don’t love Naruto personally, but I’m excited for you guys!
Are any of your favorite animes available on YouTube? Will you be watching any of the shows on this list or any of the other animes that Viz recently uploaded? Do you think YouTube will make it easier to skip over all of the filler episodes the 90s and early 2000s seemed to love? Let us know in the comments!
Ja ne, adventurers!