‘YUNG_E’ Review – One of Us

Can Train to Busan’s Yeon Sang-Ho branch out into sci-fi action? Check out the One of Us crew’s YUNG_E review.
Streaming on Netflix and from the internationally acclaimed mind of Yeon Sang-Ho. Step off the Train to Busan and into the post-apocalyptic world of Jung_E. In the distant future, mankind has traveled into space to escape the desolate trash-ridden war-torn wastelands of earth. Three space stations were built to save mankind, and just like mankind does, more war has erupted between the people that now inhabit the stars.
A heroic soldier named Yun Jung-Yi (Kim Hyun-Joo) has become the pride and hope of the military. We’re talking huge victories over impossible odds resulting in a celebrity status that would even make Nicholas Cage blush, with cereal boxes, toaster ovens, action figures, and maybe even an uninspired Christmas album. Eventually, the day comes when Jung-Yi doesn’t survive her mission, but the government has saved her brain. A team of scientists led by Yun Seo-Hyun, with a complete lack of morals and ethics, use her brain to create a platoon of perfect super soldiers called Jung_E.
YUNG_E Review
Bradly, LeWayne, and Dogget deliberate on the ethics behind privatizing an identity for military action and monetary gain, ponder the ethics behind a dead soldier’s rights in the face of billion-dollar opportunities, and discuss which One of Us action figure would line the most pockets.
- Bradly Martin
- Lewayne White
- Danny Dogget
Podcast Link – Subscribe on Apple Podcasts
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