Age of Sigmar: Kharadron Overlords Send In The Assault Boats

The Kharadron Overlords are about to unleash their fleets and their new rules pack a powerful payload. Prepare for boarders!
We’ve already got a look at the Kharadron Overlords new Transport Vessel rules (which were very good and very much appreciated). But the Sky Admirals weren’t done yet! Today, we’re getting a look at some more rules from the fleet and their frigates are going to be delivering more than just shots across the bow. There’s a payload of pirates coming for your Aethergold!
“With a nippy 12″ Move – which isn’t slowed by taking damage – and access to all the new Iron Sky Command Abilities, Frigates have a perfect mix of manoeuvrability, firepower, and transport capacity. That’s not all – when this Assault Boat charges into combat, it can ram a unit within 1″ and inflict a barrel of mortal wounds.”
Ramming Speed
Kharadron Overlord Frigates are about to get pretty nasty! Not only are they fast and cause mortal wounds on the charge, they also allow the unit inside to get out and fight, too! Plus the disembarking unit counts as having charged AND they get the strike-first effect to top things off. That’s a pretty mean one-two punch coming from these Frigates.
It will be interesting to see how KO players take advantage of these rules. The are going to get some new options to punch-up their close combat attacks as well.
Skywardens can ride those boats right into combat and their new stat line is nothing to sneeze at! 3 attacks hitting on 3+/3+ with -1 rend and a flat 2 damage is actually really good. The top end damage stayed the same but they got a whole lot more reliable. Furthermore, even if these Skywardens don’t finish their foes on the charge they can drop a “charge” of their own!
Between the Transport Vessel updates and the Assault Boat rules the Kharadron Overlords are looking to bring a lot of new tricks to the tabletop. Hopefully their rules will be clear enough that folks won’t need to hire a rules lawyer to help sort things out…
The Kharadron Overlords are coming soon to KO their enemies in the face!