Age of Sigmar: Vanguard Kharadron Overlords Pricing Breakdown – Now With Updated Pricing

With the new Vanguard: Kharadron Overlords box in stores this weekend we wanted to see what sort of a deal this box set would be.
I know what you’re thinking. “Hey didn’t you already do this before?” Yes, we did. But that was based on the pricing BEFORE the price increase. So we’re taking a look once again post-pricing change. The good news is that the Vanguard boxes in general don’t appear to have gone up in price! That means these boxes are even more valuable than before.
The new Vanguard boxes for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar have been solid deals and have contained useful units for whichever army they are for. Now we’re taking a closer look at the updated Kharadron Overlords box price so we can break it down and figure out how much savings you’re getting now.
Vanguard: Kharadron Overlords $140
Pricing Breakdown
3x Endrinriggers $55
10x Arkanaut Company warriors $60
Total Individual MSRP: $238.50
Total Savings: $98.50
As you can see with the Vanguard box price of $140 you’re almost saving $100 with this one. Now, is this one worth getting a second (or third)? Well, there’s a few good reasons to snag a second one. First up, there is the second Frigate you’ll have if you go that route. That’s not a bad call right off the bat. Plus another 10 Arkanaut Company is good for battleline reasons.
With the savings included (especially after the price hike) I would see a strong case to pick up a second one even if you don’t really need the second Admiral for whatever reason. Furthermore, if you were going for a specific build with 3 frigates then I could see a case for a third box — but that might be overkill at that point. If you’re brand new to the army you might want to hold off and just snag two copies and a Battletome.
More Recommendations
If you’re a veteran KO player or brand new I’d also recommend the new Codewright. If you can find a spot to fit him in your lists you’re going to like the extra flexibility he brings.
In fact, you might want to check the boxes off on an Aether-Khemist, an Aetheric Navigator, and some Thunderers, too. The heroes in particular are really valuable this go around thanks to the current General’s Handbook season.
The Kharadron Overlords certainly have some new tricks to use with the new book. So if you’re looking to join a sky-fleet or expand your current flotilla, the new Vanguard box is still a really good deal.