D&D: Five Magic Shoes That’ll Air Your Jordans

Whether they’re magic boots or magic sandals, these five magic shoes will make your character awesome.
If you’ve ever been to a Renaissance Faire, you know that extravagant boots are the order of the day for any sort of historically inaccurate ye olde medieval timey times pastiche of fantasy tropes. Which is to say, perfect for D&D.
But are your characters moving around in plain brown boots? Have you not even described every buckle or brass fastener in detail? Despair not. These five magic shoes will make any character awesome by association.
Boots of False Tracks
Let’s start with the basics. In this case, Boots of False Tracks. These are common magic items, which means they’re a little more readily available than your average magic item. And while their power might not be world-shaking, they have some impressive effects nevertheless.
These boots can leave behind the tracks of a different humanoid of your size. So you can be a half-orc and leave behind a harengon’s traditional footprint. Fool that bumbling detective who keeps trying to investigate your crimes–or just impress everyone with your constantly shifting custom soles.
Boots of Speed
Are you the kind of person who has to have the best trainers? Does your character value performance above everything else? The Boots of Speed are for them. These boots take a bonus action to activate, which can be a bummer depending, but it’s so worth it.
For the low low price of a single bonus action, these boots double your walking speed and give disadvantage to anyone making an opportunity attack against you. And that lasts up to 10 minutes at a time. These boots are a great way to get wherever you need to be in a flash while looking stylish.
Slippers of Spider Climbing
Okay, but what if you live in the fantasy equivalent of the Pacific Northwest? Which is probably, like, Waterdeep? You don’t have time for boots–you’re busy drinking a cortado and figuring out which of several craft ciders you’re going to drink.
Well just look at these babies. There’s no way some vampire hipster hasn’t been wearing these to the same coffee shop for 700 years. Plus, they let you adhere to the surface of walls or ceilings. The ultimate way to be above it all.
Boots of Striding and Springing
Okay, but what if you need to throw down in a game of fantasy b-ball. The Boots of Striding and Springing will not only let you run in full-on heavy armor that would otherwise limit your movement speed, but they also triple the distance that you jump. If you’re a Monk on top of that? It can get real silly, real fast.
But when you dunk from the half-court line, there’ll be no doubt that it’s gotta be the shoes.
Winged Boots
Or just go with Winged Boots which let you fly for hours on end. These boots will help you dunk from wherever in the world you are. Or line up for the perfect shot so you get nothin’ but net.
And since these boots will let you fly for up to four hours at a time, you’ll even have time to escape if you get mistaken for a Teen Wolf while you’re at it.