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D&D: ‘Project Black Flag’s Playtest Packet 2 Tackles Wizards and Fighters

3 Minute Read
Mar 20 2023

Playtest Packet 2 is here for Kobold Press’ Project Black Flag. And with it, come revised Wizards, Fighters, and core rules.

Project Black Flag, Kobold Press’ reimagined 5th Edition “core fantasy ruleset” is going ahead, full steam, with a new set of rules inĀ Black Flag’s Playtest Packet 2. Like the first one, this packet is a glimpse into the inner workings of the upcoming setting.

It’s sure to be familiar to any who play around in 5th Edition’s waters. The wheel isn’t being reinvented here, but rather Kobold is looking to upgrade it. Maybe there are more spokes to play around with, metaphorically speaking.

Project Black Flag’s Playtest Packet 2 takes aim at two of the most iconic classes in D&D, the Fighter and Wizard. Alongside this, you’ll find new rules for the 5E inspiration mechanic, which takes the shape of rules for “luck” in this incarnation.

Project Black Flag – Playtest Packet 2

First up, both the Fighter and the Wizard get some fairly intricate reworkings. These are rules meant to be used in conjunction with 5E, but has some new guidelines for looking at what their compatibility will be like:

For the purposes of this playtest, please use the Core Fantasy Roleplaying talents published in Playtest Packet #1 and this Packet and do not substitute 5E feats for Core Fantasy Roleplaying talents. The Core Fantasy Roleplaying rules will contain full conversion details to make any 5E feat into a Core Fantasy Roleplaying talent, but that is beyond the scope of this packet.

The Black Flag rules will also contain conversion details to make subclasses 5E compatible. But we don’t see those in Black Flag Playtest Packet 2.

Instead, we get a look at the first eight levels of the new Fighter, which is very similar to 5E’s Fighter. Only they get a new feature that lets them use their bonus action to achieve some minor effects, much like a Rogue’s cunning action feature. The new Wizard, on the other hand, gains powerful magical abilities, like magic sense, which allows them to detect magic without having to use a spell slot.


There are also two subclasses included for each class. The Fighter gets the Spell Blade and Weapon Master, which allow access to either spells or special maneuver-like combat stunts, respectively. Meanwhile, the Wizard gets the martially minded Battle Mage, as well as the Cantrip Adept, who focuses on those most basic spells, the humble cantrip.

Alongside the new classes, you’ll find a list of new Talents, which are like feats but a little more powerful. As well as a whole list of reimagined spells. We’ll take a deeper dive into the classes in the coming days, so check back for more!

Check out Project Black Flag Playtest Packet 2!

In the meantime, happy adventuring!


Author: J.R. Zambrano
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