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Fight for Lycans with this ‘Underworld’ Closet Cosplay

3 Minute Read
Mar 9 2023

It’s all bitch-boots and leather corsets for our Selene from Underworld closet cosplay.

Underworld is one of the most iconic (and high-fashion) horror movies of the early 2000s. It launched Kate Beckinsale onto the scene of horror leading ladies, alongside greats like Milla Jovovich. Selene’s struggle to find her place in the world inspired many teenage romance fantasies- and we’re bringing those to life with this closet cosplay build.

Underworld‘s Selene is the epitome of undead baddass. As a leader of the warrior caste known as the Death Dealers, she’s decked out in war gear at all times. She manages to ride the line between fierce and functional with her black-on-black-on-black attire. We’ve built a great starter list for building your own version of Selene’s iconic Death Dealer attire.

The Body Suit

The base of this cosplay is a head-to-toe bodysuit. We’ve gone with a one-piece for ease, but you could easily do a top and pants separately. We suggest something high-waisted, so you don’t risk your layers catching on the corset.

Underworld closet cosplay: The Corset

The corset is the most visible aspect of this cosplay. There are many different types- you can go full steel boned, something that laces up the back, or you can do something lighter and easier to move around in. From a zipper front to hooks, the options are myriad. You can go for an unadorned corset if you want to keep it versatile for other cosplays.

Underworld closet cosplay: The Combat Boots

Behold, my personal favorite part of this cosplay. We all know I’m a sucker for a combat boot. Selene keeps it classy with a heeled boot, but you can easily substitute that for something flat if you aren’t comfortable with a platform. Low or high boots, style to taste.


Underworld closet cosplay: The Trench Coat

Selene’s trench coat is loose and flowy, providing JUST that extra hint of a broody hero vibe. She wears a heavier coat to protect against the chill European weather. If you live somewhere warmer or don’t favor that heavy a coat, go with pleather or something without lining.

The Fangs

Last but not least, we have fangs. No vampire cosplay is complete without the fangs. There are certainly easy-to-purchase versions online, but if you want something truly comfortable, we suggest getting some custom fit. They can come in handy for any future vampire cosplays.

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Author: Jennifer Larsen
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