Marvel Crisis: Protocol – Squirrel Girl Might Just Be Unbeatable

You can technically KO her — but Squirrel Girl is going to be a lot tougher than you might think in Marvel Crisis: Protocol.
Tippy-Toe to the rescue! It’s a Squirrel Girl rules preview. Now, she’s not Threat 10…but she does have a few get out of jail cards( well, powers) that are going to help keep in the fight and might just cause some serious problems for the other team. Let’s take a look at Doreen Greene’s powers as Squirrel Girl!
“Doreen Green started off with a relatively normal, average-joe type of life. In her early teens, however, she suddenly found herself developing squirrel-like features and powers. With a new set of buck teeth and a bushy tail, the first assumption might have been a latent mutant gene; but doctors claim that isn’t the source of her changes. Never one to let life get her down, she decided to make the best of the situation and dubbed herself the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl! After stumbling into an early team-up with Iron Man himself, she took this early success as a springboard to start her crime-fighting career.”
Squirrel Girl Rules
Starting off her basic attack is the Knuckle Spike Strike. It’s your standard power generator attack with a range 3 and strength of 5. However, if you happen to roll any wilds, she does get to teleport thanks to the Ambush ability included. Not too shabby for some movement tricks if you get lucky.
Army of Squirrels is another attack and costs 2 power. However, if it’s successful, it causes the Bleed and Stun conditions on the target. Additionally, it can Push the target a “short” distance if they are size 3 or smaller. Those are both pretty standard attacks but now we get into some of the funky abilities of Squirrel Girl. And as you can see from the wall of text, they can be a tad complex.
Tippy-Toe Takedown! is one of her signature powers. This one basically lets you spend an amount of power equal to or lower than the target’s threat to have Tippy-Toe become a massive debuff to the target. They no longer get to add crits to their attack, defense, or dodge rolls and cannot add dice to those same rolls as the result of a crit. That’s kind of a big deal! Squirrel Girl can also recall Tippy-Toe when she’s targeted by an attack. That allows her to use the Squirrelese ability which provides her with some bonus re-rolls. Additionally, she’s a wallcrawler because, hello, squirrels climb!
When she’s injured she loses a health state and swaps out an ability of Guardian Squirrel. This makes her Tippy-Toe token effectively 1 get out of jail free card as any damage that would KO instead causes her to lose the token. She then gets to remove 1 damage, is not KO’d, and can be placed within range 2 of her current position. Tippy-Toe is then removed for the rest of the game.
Squirrel Girl is an effective debuffer and a nice utility hero to have on your squad. Don’t discount the power of Squirrels with her around as she’s also going to be surprising tough to completely KO.
Squirrel Girl is a whole lot tougher than she looks!