Necromunda: ‘Sanctioner’ & ‘Ridge Walker’ Rules Revealed

The Aranthian Succession: The Vaults of Temenos has a pair of new bipedal robots heading to streets of Necromunda.
Necromunda continues to get some awesome kits and this time it’s the Palanite Enforcers and House Cawdor on deck. Each gang is getting some new equipment although the quality between the two is quite vast. They are designed for different roles for sure but how do these bipedal metal contraptions compare? That’s what we’re taking a look at today.
‘Sanctioner’ Pattern Automata
“With a base cost of 205 credits, the stock Sanctioner comes with a pacifier assault claw, a heavy shock baton, and photon flash grenades. This is enough to put down most ordinary scofflaws, but the denizens of Necromunda are seldom willing to come all that quietly – so there’s a tasty array of upgrades available, including an SLHG pattern assault ram (+40 creds), a concussion cannon (+80), and a sanction pattern mancatcher (+100), to name but a few.”
I think it’s a safe bet to say the ‘Sanctioner’ is the forerunner between the two. It’s got an impressive statline and an impressive array of weapons and wargear options. But that’s to be expected for the well equipped and financed Palanite Enforcers. There’s also a handful of abilities it has that weren’t listed in the statline. For example, it automatically recovers from being Seriously Injured and has Got Your Six as a standard. Plus any squadmates behind it count as having full cover, too. It’s a mean bot to face wrath of — you do not want to be the target of this manhunter.
Cawdor Ridge Walkers
So the Ridge Walker doesn’t boast the same stats but it is much faster. With a build in 9″ move and the additional +1 initiative checks the Ridge Walker is surprisingly spry. The riders also pack a mean punch with their explosive lances which should not be underestimated.
“These come in three one-shot flavours: frag, stun, and krak. The former two have a 3” blast radius, so it’s a good thing their lances are versatile enough for drive-bys…”
I also have a sneaking suspicion that these Ridge Walkers aren’t going to cost you 200 credits base. So…there IS a quality in quantity. Now I kinda want to find out how many of these a Sanctioner can take out before the Ridge Walkers manage to drag one down.
Both of these kits are going up for Pre-order this weekend from Games Workshop. So we won’t have to wait too long to find out.