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Necromunda: ‘Vaults of Temenos’ – 5 Things To Look Out For

4 Minute Read
Mar 18 2023

Games Workshop announced the next chapter for Necromunda’s Aranthian Succession saga. Here’s five things to look for in Vaults of Temenos.

The events happening on Necromunda might not be galaxy spanning tears in reality but they are changing the landscape of this famous planet within the Imperium. With a looming rebellion and a power vacuum at the top lots of factions are using this opportunity to better their situation. That usually involves stabbing someone in the back! We’ve covered many of the exciting lore changes in the previous book and now we’re excite for the next chapter to be released.

Vaults of Temenos has quite a few new things to keep an eye out for and these are the five things we’re most excited to read in the up coming book.

New Units Approaching

This book focuses on the Cawdor and Redemptionist gangs. They both are getting new Road Preachers and the Cawdor are also getting Way-Brethren who pilot those rickety new Ridge Walkers!

There are also new units coming for the Palantine Enforcers with Hardcase Cyber-Mastiffs and Sanctioner Automata.


More Dramatis Personae

According to GW:

“The book details four Dramatis Personae: the Prophet of the Redemption, Axon HammerDurgan Kill-Fist, and Scrutinator-Primus Servalen. “

So far, we’ve been introduced to three of those characters and we’ve still got the mysterious new Prophet of Redemption to meet. It’s going to be interesting to find out who that could be and what are they truly working towards…


Holy Relics Inbound

Vaults of Temenos is going to introduce some brand new rules for holy relics to the game, too. These boons will help the faithful in their pilgramiage to victory. Or maybe they will just be a new type of snake-oil for the faithful. Whatever they end up being you’ll also get to design your own for use in the campaign.

Personally, I’m just looking forward to the conversion opportunities these could afford different gangs. I’m hoping they aren’t limited to just Cawdor and Redemptionist gangs. We’ll have to wait to find out — but that’s why it’s on our list of things to look out for!

40 Pages of Lore Bombs

Ciderack Burning had a ton of exciting changes. I know many folks who just want to get at the new rules and use them in their campaigns. However, if you are just skipping the lore you’re really missing out. As I’ve said before these lore changes are the first major updates to Necromunda in almost 30 years. For the first time (well, this book would kind of be the second time now) Necromunda is changing. There’s an actual story line that is progressing and things are happening. Necromunda is a microcosm of the greater 40k grimdark universe — it’s one planet but it’s also an iconic planet at the same time. It’s home to everyday citizens of the Imperium and these folks have seen some stuff. And now we’re getting to see these gangs react to even more crazy stuff happening all around them. I can’t wait to find out what’s next in their story.

Chronos Pattern Ironcrawler


Okay…so this list is 5 things to look out for in the new book, right? Well one of the things to really look out for is the Chronos Pattern Ironcrawler. I have mixed feelings about this one. It’s going to be in the new book but did we really need an even tougher big rig to tackle? I mean…it’s a challenge for sure. But when most gangs can barely scrape the creds to get a melta weapon this thing is nigh unstoppable. I’m wary of this one — which is why we’re warning you to look out for this one!


There’s more to look forward to in Vaults of Temenos. I do wonder what those Palantine Enforcers have been up to since their boss basically went into stasis…

Author: Adam Harrison
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