New ‘Conquest’ Starter Set – The Last Argument of Kings – Available Now

Conquest is getting bigger with a new two player starter! The Last Argument of Kings box features a ton of new models and a brand new faction. Check it out!
It has been a couple of weeks since we last checked in with our friends at Parabellum Games. At that time I highlighted their new First Blood 2-Player Starter Set, but there is so much more! They’ve released new starter set – Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings! This brand new two-player starter set is now available for their full sized Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings Game. It has some fantastic new minis – and a totally new faction!
With this giant new two player starter set, you can play either Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings or Conquest: First Blood.
New Faction: The City States
If you have been following Conquest for the last few years, you may notice that the army on the right is unfamiliar. Meet the City States – the newest faction in Conquest.
Even More New Models
Along with the City States, a number of new releases continue to come out for the game. If you haven’t checked out their site lately, come give it a look.
Are the City States not for you? All of the factions have new First Blood starter army sets coming out that give you a taste of the faction. Before wrapping up for today, I want to show you some more of the new models coming out. These figures are from their W’adrhun faction, which is the Conquest version of Orcs.
A new W’adrhun Chieftain model…
These are some pretty cool looking minis. What do you think of all of these? Here’s a group of W’adrhun Veterans…
Wrapping it up…
These new miniatures from Parabellum are absolutely awesome looking. On top of that, a new starter set for the second edition of Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. There is so much to be excited about. Make sure you give Para Bellum Games a look. Want to save some money?
I have a coupon code (MCM) that you can use to get you these minis at a discount from the Para Bellum Games EStore. That is MCM. Give it a try.
Until next time, Happy Gaming, Everyone!!!
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