The Realms of ‘Diablo’ Breakdown – Stay Awhile and Listen

The Diablo series has been ongoing since 1997 with the next coming out this year! So let’s take a look at the world and realms of Diablo.
Diablo is a massively popular series of video games, and the tenth game in the series, Diablo IV, is coming out this June. But what is this game? What makes it so popular? And what does the world of Diablo look like? Let’s take a look at the realms together.
About Diablo
First released in 1997, Diablo is a series of action-adventure RPG-style dungeon crawler video games, developed and released by gaming giant, Blizzard. Diablo 1 was originally released for Microsoft windows and then a year later on both PlayStation and Mac OS.
The game takes place in a universe made up of realms, including the world of mortals, the Heavens, and Hells. After eons of war between angels and demons, three demon lords are exiled to the mortal realm where they created chaos and hatred. From here, the player and hero of the game must defeat the titular Diablo before taking the demon’s essence and power for themselves.
Upcoming Diablo IV will take place in the mortal realm of Sanctuary. Here cultists will summon Lilith who will attempt to rise to power in Sanctuary. The game was announced in 2019 and has been in development for at least as long. It is expected to be released on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
The Realms
The setting of the Diablo series is mainly split into three realms.
Sanctuary is the realm of mortals. But while it is the place that will look most familiar to players, it isn’t a welcoming or forgiving one. Harsh climates are populated by terrifying monsters. Mercy is seen as weakness in Sanctuary and justice here is harsh.
According to game lore, Sanctuary was created by Inarius, an angel of Justice who was tired of endless war and wanted a place where angels and demons could live peacefully. These first inhabitants partnered to create the first generations of humans
The High Heavens, or just Heaven, is the realm of angels. This is a location that has been romanticized by the humans of Sanctuary for ages, but they would find it to also be inhospitable. The day is locked perpetual dawn, which can create lite that is irritating to humans and is always cold and very dry, often resulting in dehydration.
The Burnings Hells, or Hell, is the opposite of Heaven in every conceivable way. A network of subterranean caves runs throughout Hell complete with molten rivers and vast planes for beasts to rampage across. The air always smells like sulfur and is insufferably hot, while finding itself in a never-ending twilight. Hell is eternally fighting a war against Heaven, but also a number of internal wars as well.
Heaven and Hell were created when the first beings in creation, Anu and Tathamet fell to each other in battle. Their last strikes unleashed so much energy that they birthed the universe and realms into existence.
Have you played the Diablo games? Which is your favorite in the series? Are you looking forward to playing Diablo IV? Let us know in the comments!
Happy adventuring!