‘Total War: Warhammer 3’ Has a Lot of Advantages Over Tabletop

There are a lot of reasons to enjoy Warhammer on the tabletop. But there are even more reasons to try playing Total War: Warhammer 3.
People play Warhammer for a lot of reasons. Some people enjoy the collecting and hobby aspects. While other people enjoy the tactical and strategic gameplay elements. Regardless of why you choose to play Warhammer, there are plenty of reasons to abandon the physical and embrace the digital.
Impossibly Large Battles
Skirmish games like Kill Team or War Cry are great for small-scale battles. But that’s not why a lot of us play Warhammer. In Warhammer, you can wage war on a truly epic scale. However, big battles have an upper limit from pure logistics alone. Not only is building your list a hassle in and of itself, but pulling the minis from your gaming shelf, putting them in your carrier, or setting them up on your table is half the battle right there.
Not only that but having somewhere to play with an army that big is just as much of a hurdle. You can always go to your local gaming store, but that comes with its own set of hurdles, like transportation.
This simply is not the case in Total War: Warhammer 3. You can play battles with thousands of individual units, and you won’t have to take 45 minutes to take a single turn. You can play specific types of battles that you’ve always dreamed of, like besieging or defending a heavily fortified city, without needing to worry about having the terrain pieces to make it make sense.
Nearly every single battle played in Total War: Warhammer 3 simply wouldn’t be viable to play on the tabletop.
Return to Warhammer Fantasy
Warhammer Fantasy had a lot going for it before it all kinda blew up fictionally and nonfictionally. Total War: Warhammer 3 not only remains faithful to the established lore, but it also expands on it even still! Factions that never got a full release during the prime years of Warhammer Fantasy Battle have found a home in Total War: Warhammer 3.
Factions like Kislev, Grand Cathay, and Vampire Coast are fully playable races in Warhammer 3. Of course, they have their heroes and lords you can learn about, but there is also a ton of extra story baked into the game as well. This is lore you won’t be able to find anywhere else, and the world keeps expanding with every new update.
Easier to Play
Let me set the scene. You’ve been planning this game night for the past two weeks. You’ve got everything set up and ready to play. The table is immaculate, and the snacks are top-tier, but then you get the text. “Sorry, I can’t make it tonight. Something came up.” Devastating.
You can avoid this heartbreak with Total War: Warhammer 3. Not only can you play online with friends from the comfort of your own homes, but you can also just play pick-up games with strangers or just face off against the computer. No matter how you slice it, you can always play Warhammer 3.
There are a lot of reasons you might want to give Total War: Warhammer 3 a try, but these are just a few. Not to mention, it’s just a really fun game.