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Warhammer 40K: Heroes (Minis) Who’ve Crossed The Rubicon Primaris – Ranked

6 Minute Read
Mar 21 2023
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Take a look at all the Space Marine hero models that have been updated to be Primaris. But which ones are the best?

Back in the day ,crossing the Rubicon Primaris was a big deal. Now it’s not. It seems every classic Marine character will one day or another cross over. So today let’s take a look at these updated models and see which are the best, and which …aren’t. (Since we are looking at models that crossed, I’m limiting this list to classic characters that became Primaris, not newly created ones that have only ever been Primaris).

14. Kor’sarro Khan

Khan is like 0% of a pretty cool model. Most of the details are nice, and there are some cool things going on here. His right hand, however is just too busy with both the bird and the head, It needed just one of these. However, the big issue here is that Khan, a White Scars leader, is on foot! This pretty much instantly puts it in last place on the list.

13. Captain Uriel Ventris

Ventris is just pretty bog standard. He’s got a very static pose and suffers a bit from too big sword (and feet) syndrome. This guy is nothing special and if you don’t know him, it’s easy to just think the mini is a stock Captain model. Not great.

12. Dante

I dunno, new Dante just does not do it for me. We’ve got a really crazy use of the tactical/landing rock and some chonky legs. I guess my big issue with this is that it’s just very much… Dante? Like It mostly just looks like the old Dante but a bit bigger. It’s not doing anything new or cool. The pose is kinda of lame and the Death Mask isn’t helping. Not a classic here.


11. Adrax Agatone

Agatone just has a basic and boring pose. There isn’t anything really cool going on here. It’s not bad per se, just not fun. Also, the fact that he’s not Vulkan He’stan was just a real shame.

10. Chapter Master Azreal

Like Dante, I think my issue with Azreal, is that he’s just very much Azreal. He’s just a bit bigger and a bit cleaner. It’s a fine model, but it doesn’t really do it for me. Also, while he’s got a small tactical rock, it’s still there. The Watcher in the Dark is a characterful plus.

9. Tor Garadon

This is another model that has just a little too much going on. You do have a tactical rock, but it’s an OK nod to the Fist’s defenses. But there are just too many lenses here. You’ve got his eye bit, his over-the-shoulder bit, two more bits in his cowl (I guess he just can’t wear a helmet?) and even one on his arm. Too much. I’m also not a huge fan of the shoulder-mounted gun, it looks flimsy. However, you do have to love the ridiculous massive punch fist. Excellent!


8. Chief Librarian Tigurius

This is a pretty cool model, but I’m not sure it really screams Tigurius. I think it could be easy to mistake this as just a generic Librarian. It’s also got one of my least favorite uses of a tactical rock. Retro old-school embossed banner is great!

7. Ragnar Blackmane

OK, now we are getting to some good stuff. I rather like the new Ragnar model. Yes, its got a tactical rock, but I think it’s a good use of it. The model has a lot going on, but ends up not feeling too busy. It’s also just a great and very dynamic pose. Very Space-wolfy

6. Marneus Calgar

An instantly iconic model. Anyone who looks at this knows it’s Calgar. The fists, the eagles, it’s great. It’s got a little of the “it’s just Calgar” going on, but he is in a noticeably different armor that before, so I rather like it. The tactical rock is still a bit of a cliché. Dead Tyranid is a nice touch.

5. Chaplain Grimaldus


Absolutely solid updated model here. Cool and dynamic post. Detailed and ornate, but doesn’t feel too cluttered. Rather than being too “tactical” he looks baroque. I love that he is holding his crozius face first, like a cross to ward off vampires – or space vampires. Really cool touch. Also pretty much no tactical rock, so that’s a win.

4. Emperor’s Champion

Is this a cheat? Maybe, the Emperor’s Champion isn’t technically a named character, but I’m going to allow it. And man, is this a great model! I love the cohesive upwards flowing movement of all the bits that just draw your eye up to the sword. And it’s a really cool-looking sword.  I also really the clean and plane breastplate. A small tactical rock is a downer, but overall just a perfect update on this model. Aquila-rosary in the odd hand is a subtle pious touch.

3. Mephiston

Speaking of great updates, we’ve got Mephiston. Way to go from a clunky model to just a great one. Great robes and an amazing cape. He’s even got two hand options with is cool. Best of all it’s all paying homage to a classic bit of 40K art. The tactical rock is at least big enough that its more part of the scenery. An amazing Blood Angels model and just blows Dante out of the water. The face sculpting really pulls this together.

2. Kayvaan Shrike

Kayvaan Shrike dared to be different. It’s not a perfect model. The emo hair, and the whole head, is a little silly. I don’t love the heel talons. But it’s got a lot of good stuff going on here. He’s got one of the coolest-looking jumpacks around (and one that looks like maybe it could actually pick up a marine. He’s got new weapons and just a whole look. Even his tactical rock wall  works here for his raven’s perch. I just really like that GW tried something new and different. It’s great!


1. High Marshal Helbrecht

10/10 no notes.

Let us know which model is your favorite, down in the comments! 

Author: Abe Apfel
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