Warhammer 40K: Is Vashtorr About To Wake A Sleeping Lion?

Vashtorr the Arkifane is about to launch an assault on The Rock, the home of the Dark Angels. Is he about to rouse a sleeping Lion El’Jonson?
Games Workshop revealed that Vashtorr the Arkifane is going to throw down with the Dark Angels in the upcoming battlebox Wrath of the Soul Forge King. The battle is going to take place on the floating space fortress known as The Rock, aka home of the Dark Angels.
We also have some hints that Vashtorr is after some sort of mystery object located in The Rock. This MacGuffin is a “key piece” of whatever plan he and Abaddon have cooked up. Games Workshop is being fairly hush-hush about whatever it is as well. We also know that Azrael himself has become a newly minted Primaris Marine and is leading the defense personally. Then again, this is the Dark Angel’s home turf so I would imagine he would be taking this a tad personal.
In any case, there’s a lot of secrets on The Rock. There are many secret chambers and passages hidden away so who knows what Vashtorr or his forces might find. Or who they might stumble upon…
The Sleeping Lion
Yep, Lion El’Jonson is still just chilling out in sleep mode. Of all the other Loyalist Primarchs he’s still the only one that is confirmed to be alive — and have a known location. Even if that location isn’t “known” by everyone else. We’ve been clamouring for another Loyalist Primarch to return and even though we’ve been faked out by Rogal Dorn, we’re not giving up hope. Guilliman could use a hand even if he’s doing alright on his own. That said, Angron is back so he’s outnumbered by his brothers 3-to-1 and those aren’t great odds, even for a Primarch.
Narratively, I could see this going a few ways. But ultimately, I think that Vashtorr’s attack on The Rock is going to be a pyrrhic victory. I’m betting that he finds whatever “object” he’s after and succeeds is securing it. Vashtorr probably loses a bunch of followers but escapes back to the warp or whatever with it.
However, I think the “downside” for him is that he just ticked off the Dark Angels, a chapter that’s been known to hold a grudge. Plus his attack could very well set off a chain of events that causes the Lion to return. Now, that might not be a good thing, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.
More ‘Evidence’ For This Theory?
There’s a couple more things that have us thinking we might be onto something here. First up, look who just got a Primaris Upgrade.
Yeah, Chapter Master Azrael. Calgar got a Primaris upgrade soon after Guilliman’s return. On top of that Calgar also got into a major scuffle with Abaddon shortly after ascending to Primaris status. And who’s Azrael about to throw down with? Vashtorr, a major big-bad and co-conspirator with Abaddon. That’s quite the coincidence, don’tcha think?
Also, the Lion is blonde, right? Hey, what did that lost kid look like from the Arks of Omen Tarot?
That child was “lost” and also blonde? Hmm..wouldn’t that be a nice foreshadowing moment.
Personally, I think the Lion is poised to make an appearance. Not in Arks of Omen: Vashtorr, but later down the line. The Chapter Master of the Dark Angels just got a major upgrade to Primaris and on top of that his Primarch is still around and kicking (unlike a few other Chapter Master-types who got the Primaris treatment). If Dante or Logan Grimnar ever cross the Primaris Rubicon I’d be on the lookout for their Primarchs, but until then, the Lion not not be sleeping for much longer.
Welcome to the Jungle.