Warhammer Future Sight – What I Hope We See at the Adepticon Preview

There’s a big GW preview show around the corner at Adepticon, and I, for one, am hoping for a few big things for 40K and Age of Sigmar.
Fans of Warhammer in all its forms have been treated to a myriad of wonders over the past few weeks. From tech daemons and ancient battlesuit commanders to vampiric samurai and space lizards, fans of both the Realms and the 41st Millennium have had no shortage of treats.
Well, next week, they’re going to get a few more; the Adepticon previews go live next Wednesday. Even without knowing the exact contents of the reveal, we know that almost every brand of fan will have something to chew on. But with so many games represented, one must ask; what could it be? Speculation is the spice of life, some say, and here are a few wild guesses that I’m really hoping grace our screens next week.
The Lion
Vashtorr has landed on the Rock, and the Dark Angels are finding themselves hard-pressed to repel him. What better time to unleash their sleeping Primarch than the defense of his home fortress? The Lion’s awakening would usher in an exciting new chapter in the 40k story. How will he react to Guilliman’s Imperium and the Primaris? Will he lead the hunt for the Fallen, or try to bring them back into the fold? Will he found his own Imperium? Only time will tell, but I think it’s a good chance he’ll show his glorious face at the Adepticon preview.
Traitor Guard
The Traitor Legions of Horus Heresy have a few fun toys, like the Esoterist and the Infernus Abomination. However, their roster falls far short of their Loyalist counterparts, who can field various assassins, guardsmen, and other special units. I think it would be a fun reveal to show off the Guard Regiments that joined with the Warmaster. Since it’s early in the Heresy during the 30k game, they wouldn’t have to look much different than their former comrades, and would maybe just have a few sigils or special weapons to set them apart. Even giving them the ability to sacrifice themselves to summon daemonic units to the battlefield would be a fun twist, and give the Traitor Astartes more toys to play with.
I know what you’re going to say; at this point, it’s never going to happen. But I’m still holding out hope for a legion of Shadow Aelves to check the advance of those pesky Lumineth. We know from lore background that Tyrion is already encroaching on Malerion’s turf in small pushes, and that Malerion is allowing it because it amuses him.
However, how far do we expect that amusement to go? Soon enough, Malerion is going to remind Tyrion why he wore the Phoenix Crown, and I’m hoping that Adepticon gives us our first glimpses at that cataclysmic battle. I know it’s a long shot, but with all the cool stuff Beasts of Chaos got in their latest book, I want the boys in black to get a little love too.
What are you hoping to see at Adepticon?