Age of Sigmar: ‘Death’ Vanguard Boxes Point Breakdown

The Ossiarch Bonereapers and Soulblight Gravelords have new Vanguard boxes out and we’ve got point breakdowns for both!
Games Workshop released two new Vanguard Boxes for the Ossiarch Bonereapers and the Soulblight Gravelords. Plus they have two new Battletomes coming out as well. However, the current Pitched Battle Profiles you can download doesn’t have their points from the new Battletomes…yet. But we have our preview copies from GW, so we’re going to do a points check using the points from the new Battletomes!
Vanguard: Ossiarch Bonereapers $140
1x Mortisan Soulreaper – 120
1x Gothizzar Harvester – 210
5x Kavalos Deathriders – 170
20x Mortek Guard – 300 (150 per 10)
Points Total: 800
I’ve already written about the new book and I think it’s going to be a very solid army across the board. I think Katakros (who clocks in at 440 points in the new Battletome) might not be an “auto-include” but rather a “why WOULDN’T you take him?” I mean, you could build an army without him…but the buffs he provides seem like he’s going to be worth it regardless of which sub-faction you’re playing.
If you added Katakros to the Vanguard box, you’d already be at 1240 points, too. The rest of the 760 points could be used to add in some more Batteline units like the Kavalos Deathriders or Mortek Guard. Or, since you have a Mortisan Soulreaper, make him the General (since Katakros always counts as one anyhow) and then sprinkle in some Necropolis Stalkers for 220 per 3 as your third Battleline option. Ideally, you’d want to get to at least 7 units to take advantage of the new Relentless Discipline, too.
The point is you’ve got plenty of points to work with and you’d have one heck of a core to this army with the Vanguard Box + Katakros. The rest of the army list is really up to you!
Vanguard: Soulblight Gravelords $140
1x Vampire Lord – 130
3x Vargheists – 155
5x Blood Knights – 230
20x Deathrattle Skeletons – 170 (85 per 10)
Points Total: 685
So here’s the thing about the new Soulblight Gravelords book: You can pretty much do whatever the heck you want now! Not that you couldn’t before, but it’s different in that there’s so much good stuff in this book it’s kind of hard to narrow it down. The Vanguard box will get you started with 685 points to build from and you can really go nuts from there.
Me personally, I really like the Blood Knights and now that they have some decent Rend with there attacks there’s even more reason to take them. I also really like Zombies in the new book. They basically get “murder rolls” when they die now…which means every time you kill a zombie on a 5+ it has a chance to cause a Mortal Wound to the unit that attacked it. Considering how much easier it is for them to come back, I wouldn’t call them a tarpit so much as a claymore — not like the sword, but rather in the “Front Toward Enemy” type of way.
Don’t forget to check out the heroes in the new Battletome, either. Neferata, Mannfred, Prince Vhordrai…all of them are worth a look, too. And of course there’s always Nagash — who’s also GREAT for both armies, by the way.
These two new Vanguard boxes for Death are both great starts to either army. You can really go wrong with either option and the units in both are going to be ones you’re going to find a use for regardless of what you ultimately end up with. They are good, generic options and do a good job of representing the core of the army.
Death marches once again. Nagash will have his revenge…
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