Age of Sigmar: ‘Death’ Vanguard Boxes Pricing Breakdown

We know what’s in the box, we know the points, and the pricing. So what sort of a deal are you getting for each new Death Vanguard Box?
We already covered the Point Breakdowns for each of the new Vanguard Boxes — with the upcoming points from their respective Battletomes. Now we’re taking a closer look at the price to detemine what sort of a deal each box will get you.
Vanguard: Ossiarch Bonereapers $140
Mortisan Soulreaper – $33.50
Gothizzar Harvester – $60
5x Kavalos Deathriders -$60
20x Mortek Guard – $60
Total Individual MSRP: $213.50
Total Savings: $73.50
For getting a nice chunk of core units this new Vanguard Box set is a good deal. I’d say this one is a Repeat purchase for the majority of new Ossiarch Bonereaper players. Why? Because you’ll end up with 40 Mortek Guard, 10 Kavalos Deathriders, and 2 Gothizzar Harvesters! That’s probably more Battleline than you’ll need in most cases. And if you want to specialize further you totally can. You can also run two Mortisan Soulreapers, but I’d probably only lean into 1 and then look at other heroes to pick-up personally. I think that Katakros should be your next purchase, hands down. Maybe look at Arkhan the Black, too.
Vanguard: Soulblight Gravelords $140
Vampire Lord – $35
3x Vargheists – $60
5x Blood Knights – $70
20x Deathrattle Skeletons – $60
Total Individual MSRP: $225
Total Savings: $85
This is another boxed set that I think warrants a Repeat purchase for very similar reasons. With all the Deathrattle Skeletons and Blood Knights, I think you’d be off to the races with a solid army. However, I will say that doubling-up on this particular Vanguard box will start to pigeonhole you into a specific build. Or at least start you down that path. Then again, it’s not that many points…but the rest of the Battletome has so many more things you can do with it that commiting to Skeletons and Blood Knights right off the bat might not be what you want to do. I’m also conflicted about doubling-up on Varghiests. But that’s just my preference.
So, I’d still rate this a Repeat, but only if you’re wanting to go with a more Skeleton and Knight focused force. Alternatively, Zombies and Wolves are also really good screens in the book. So you might want to do a bit more homework before you get a second box.