Age of Sigmar: How to Play Slaves to Darkness

Today we look into the Chaos worshipping Slaves to Darkness from Age of Sigmar. If you can’t beat’em, you haven’t applied enough spikes…
The Slaves to Darkness are powerful mortals dedicated to the dark pantheon of Chaos Gods. On the battlefield, they seek to earn their patron deity’s favor, perhaps even ascending to daemonhood. Here are some quick and dirty tips for bringing magical mayhem to the battlefield.
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Who are the Slaves to Darkness?
Slaves to Darkness are the mortal followers of the Chaos gods, from barbaric warriors riding across burning plains or hidden cultists plotting the downfall of their own city. Their Tribes are the most prevalent human culture in the Mortal Realms, with many of them numbering in the hundreds of thousands.
Across all the Mortal Realms, creatures of all races and hues may turn to the dark gods. Many are their reasons and excuses, but their path can only end in three ways: by death, by becoming a Chaos Spawn or by the ascension to immortality as a Daemon Prince.
Why Play Slaves to Darkness?
Slaves to Darkness is an aesthetically pleasing faction (if you like spikes!) that excels in close combat and has a versatile array of buffs in the form of Pledges. In addition to a solid core of heavily armored beefcakes, Slaves to Darkness also has a wide array of interesting, esoteric units and monsters originally created for the Warcry game (with such units as the Fomoroid Crusher or Mindstealer Sphiranx).
- Close combat
- A large variety of play with the same models thanks to Pledges
- Modern and diverse plastic model range
- Shooting (you have next to none)
- Numbers (unless spamming Darkoath, it is a near guarantee you’ll be outnumbered!)

Signature Rules
Battle Traits
- Eye of the Gods/Dark Apotheosis– one selected Hero gains Dark Apotheosis points during the battle. Once they gain enough they can transform into a Daemon Prince!
- Pledge to Chaos– every one of your Hero phases you get to pledge a single unit to one of the Chaos Gods, giving it a very powerful boost. Slaanesh gives you an extra Charge dice and Khorne gives a flat extra Attack to everyone.
Battle Formations
- Legion of Chaos– army wide control score benefit if you have a Warriors of Chaos Hero and a Darkoath or Daemon Hero.
- Godswrath Warband– army defiles objectives which then deal mortal wounds to enemies.
- Despoilers– chain activate/fight for a Monsters/Beast off of a Daemon Prince.
- Darkoath Horde– bring back Darkoath units as half-strength replacement units.
Heroic Traits
- Favored by the Pantheon– if picked for Eye of the Gods, gain 3 Dark Apotheosis points before the game starts.
- Deathmonger– Once per game can use two Fight abilities.
- Radiance of Dark Glory– a nice healing aura.
- Infernal Puppet– once per game does mortal wounds to an enemy wizard for each spell they attempt to cast.
- The Conqueror’s Crown– reduce the control scores of enemy infantry in combat.
- Realmwarper’s Twist-Rune– once per game, mutate a terrain piece granting it Obscuring for the turn and dealing mortal wounds to nearby units.
Ensorcelled Banners
- The Dread Banner– Enemy units cannot use Commands while in combat.
- The Banner of Rage– gives Pledged to Khorne and +1 to Wound
- The Banner of Screaming Flesh– gives Pledged to Slaanesh and and and extra Attack on the charge.
- There are also Banners which Pledge the unit to Nurgle and Tzeentch, respectively.
Slaves to Darkness Signature Units

The massive centerpiece and overall commander of Chaos, Archaon is one of the most solid ‘God-tier’ models. The Eye of Sheerian gives you the rare ability to get a double turn and not lose out on a Battle Tactic by manipulating the turn order..
Abraxia is Archaons first lieutenant and leader of the Varanguard. She is an excellent model and very formidible on the field- plus at quite a discount compared to Archaon.
Be’lakor, the Dark Master
Be’lakor is the ultimate moustache-twiddling bad guy of the faction, witch a backstory going all the way back to the Old Worlde. His The Dark Master ability is one of the true frustration engine of the game, but it’s all in fun.

Chaos Sorcerer Lord
Your backline support caster. He has Oracular Visions ability to buff up a friendly unit with a little resilience.

Slaves to Darkness Gaunt Summoner
Another solid caster with a nice native bonus to cast AND two casts/dispels. Also allows reserve deployment with their Minions of the Silver Tower rule.
Chaos Chosen
The anvil your enemy will break on. Keep them near your Sorcerer Lord for buff purposes and make sure they get good use out of their once per game two Fight abilities. If you have a unit, it’s like where your Ensorcelled Banner is going.
Essentially a unit of Chaos Lords on Daemonic Steeds, Varanguard are faster and punchier than just about anything else you’ve got (besides the big man, that is).
Chaos Knights
An amazingly fast, hard-hitting, and resilient unit. All other factions cavalry wishes they were packing the punch like Chaos Knights do! A reinforced unit boasts an absurd 40 Health(!).
Darkoath Marauders

The lowest of the mortal followers of Chaos. Darthoath Marauders will surprise opponents even as they are cut down, thanks to Glorious Death.
Chaos Warriors

The heavily armoured foot soldiers of the Chaos legions, Chaos Warriors are great at taking and holding objectives.
Ogroid Theridons
A solid elite unit which operates as more of a glass hammer than anything else in the army. The combination of high damage, low armour, and a once per game buff to damage all combine to make them one-hit wonders of the utmost degree.

Darkoath Wilderfiend

The Wilderfiend is a hideous and twisted creature of nightmare. It gains power as models are slain around it and unleashes it as Primal Sorcery.
Sample Army
Faction: Slaves to Darkness
– Battle Formation: Godswrath Warband
Regiment 1:
- Archaon
- 6 Varanguard
- 3 Varanguard
- 3 Varanguard
How to Play Slaves to Darkness
Hit hard and keep your foot on the gas to get into combat, and you should be alright. You have mobility in your cavalry and and unit can Pledge to Slaanesh and get a 3D6 Charge. Pledged to Nurgle isn’t what it was, but will still make you surprisingly resilient.
For the Everchosen!