Age of Sigmar: New Seraphon Army Box Has Me Hyped

We’re less than a week out from the Seraphon Army Box pre-orders and I’m already planning for what I want to do with them.
Games Workshop confirmed that the Seraphon Army Box will be up for pre-order this weekend and it’s got me hyped for the new release. I’ve been a big fan of the model updates and I really would like to take a crack at the Space-Lizards in Age of Sigmar. It might be a bit before I get to field the army but I also know how fast these Army Boxes tend to sell out. So I’m thinking about getting my pre-order in just like everyone else!
There’s a few things in this box that I’m really excited about an it’s not just all the models. Although that’s the main draw for me. Personally, I’m not a huge “Collector’s Edition” battletome person. Don’t get me wrong, those are nice and all and I wouldn’t turn one down — but I’d also be just as happy with the standard Battletome, too.
I’m looking forward to the new Slann model as it’s a huge update from the previous incarnations. I’m also excited to see this version instead of just MOAR KROAK on the tabletop, too.
The Old Slann put in his time. Now it can finally rest…
I’m also really excited about the new Saurus Warriors in the box. I feel like GW has been teasing new Saurus Warriors by other means for a while. For example, the Blood Bowl Lizardmen team had some pretty awesome looking Saurus models in it.
Not to mention the Kroxigors — more on that in a bit. I had been hoping GW would update the Saurus Warrior designs and they finally did that and they are looking pretty sweet!
I’m also looking forward to the new Skink riders in the box. Recently, I’ve become a bit of a convert to the use of Light Cav units. They make for really effective screens and with ranged weapons can also be good at harassing flanks and characters. They become a threat that you want to ignore, but can’t — and I like that!
The Raptadon Hunter seem like they are going to be exactly that. For an army with some serious back-line heavy hitters having a unit that can effectively take the charge and allow you the counter-charge seems really useful!
Basically everything in this box seems like it’s going to be 100% useful for a new Seraphon army. And since I don’t have any of these models or other Seraphon this is going to be a great option for me to dive in! Also, let’s not forget the Warscroll Cards or reference cards either. Although, I do use the AoS App…so that’s slightly less of a concern these days.
So what do I plan to add after I get this box? I’m not entirely sure! Personally, I’d leaning toward Kroxigors because I also really like those models!
If a unit of them had been in the box over a unit of the Raptadons I think that would have been perfect. As is, I’ll just wait until these get released to snag some…I gotta have my Krox! From there? The world is my swamp oyster I suppose.
Are you Hyped for the Seraphon box? How are you planning on expanding this army?