Age of Sigmar: Raptadon Hunters And Chargers Wombo-Combo

Were you wondering why Games Workshop included 10 Raptadons in the Seraphon Army Boy? It so you could do this.
The Seraphon Army Box has be excited. And now that I’ve already talked about a few things I’m pumped about I get to add one more fun fact to the list: The Raptadon Wombo-Combo. Games Workshop revealed a few of their rules today and I gotta say I’m liking what I’m seeing!
“A certain Cold-blooded Unity between the two units allows Raptadon Chargers to deal increased damage with their Tepok Lances if the unit they target has already been distracted by a hail of celestite-tipped javelins from their Hunter counterparts.”
The Raptadon Wombo-Combo
It’s actually a very simple premise. Hit the target with the ranged unit and they melee unit gets to pounce them even harder. However, it’s not just a one-two combo. No, this one’s got a hidden hook coming in for a third hit in this dastardly combo. What the heck am I going on about? Well check out these unit rules:
The Tepok Lances are part of the melee centric Raptadons. These already have a pretty good profile for something I’d consider as a “light cavalry” option. 3 attacks that are hitting on 4s and wounding on 3s with -1 Rend and 1 Damage is enough to put a dent in things. Consider you’ll have 5 in a unit as well…but what really makes them spicy is making those to-hit rolls even better by way of their ranged counterparts.
The special rule here is what really makes this Wombo-Combo shine. This unit basically will get to fire two times a round if you do it right and then your Raptadon Chargers will get to hit on 3s instead of 4s.
Basically both units move up with the Chargers in the front ready to make the charge move while the Raptadon Hunters stay within 12″ of the enemy but outside of 3. Then, during the shooting phase the Hunters unleash their first volley. With a unit of 5 that’s 10 shots and while they might not be the most consistent with Rend -2 any shots that do connect have a good chance at actually causing damage.
Next, your Raptadon Chargers go for the charge move. Ideally, they land it and that triggers the Hunters again for a second round of shooting. Now the Chargers are getting that +1 to hit to help finish up anything that took 20 shots from the Hunters. Or…if you wanted to be really tricky, you could target two different units. The first shooting attack could be at a different unit then the one that’s about to get charged. Perhaps your opponent used a Redeploy to get out of range with one unit. Or you used that first move/shoot to bait out some other command point ability — you get the idea.
The nice thing is that you’ll get to try this out yourself if you happen to snag a Seraphon Army Box because there’s 10 Raptadons in the box and you can build them either way! Five-and-Five is starting to sound like a nice option.
This isn’t the only Wombo-Combo coming from the Seraphon either…