Age of Sigmar: Saurus Warriors Beefed Up In The New Seraphon Battletome

The Saurus Warriors of the Seraphon are bigger and beefier and we’re not just talking about their new models either! Chew on these rules.
Seraphon are on the way and they have a host of new models coming down the pipe. One of the units that got a rework is the Saurus Warriors, a classic backbone for the army. Not only did their models get a much needed glow-up they also got some new rules to match their larger stature.
“The first Saurus Warriors to arrive in the Mortal Realms were the Starborne, spawned on temple ships that carved a path through the void from the World-that-Was. Between battles, they stalk the cavernous World Chambers of these vessels, honing their predatory skills. The realm-dwelling Coalesced, however, practise their hunting in the vast untamed jungles that surround their temple-cities.”
Saurus Warriors Beefed Up
The Saurus Warriors have been hitting the gym and have a second wound per model now. That’s going to combine with their 4+ save to make them a nice chonky unit that’s going to take some work to dislodge. And if they get to an objective before that, their saves get even better…
That’s going to put that at a 3+ just standing by an objective! This is a battleline unit that’s going to take and hold and not let go easily. Now, when you DO get dug in with them in melee it’s not just their fancy Seraphon weapons you need to worry about — they are packing a BITE, too.
Similar rules to this have been used to great effect on the tabletop as those extra mortal wounds can add up. Now, if you’re up against a cunning opponent they might do something like pull the models that are within 1″ away from the unit to prevent them from getting caught in those jaws. I do like this version of the rule better than say Crystal Touch from DoK where it’s just the entire unit gets to attack if just 1 model is within 1″ of the enemy. However, I think the timing on this ability is a little off…Oh well, it’s still a nasty little bit of extra damage.
The unit will come with options to have Celestite Spears or Celestite Clubs. I’m guessing the Spears will trade off some basic thing like to hit for some additional range vs the clubs. I’m also curious about the points on this unit as the improved stats warrant an increase. I’m also wondering about any other army special rules *cough*scalyskin*cough* that might be a thing in the new Seraphon Battletome (or if it got changed in other ways).
Your first crack at the Saurus Warriors will be in the upcoming Army Box for the Seraphon! Going up for pre-order this weekend!