Age of Sigmar: Slann Starmasters Sling Spells Spectacularly

Do you want to pump out spells like no other? Time to call in the Slann Starmasters with these spicy new rules.
The Slann Starmasters are about to join Lord Kroak and provide a chorus of Spell-Slinging the likes of which even Teclis will need to respect. The frogs are calling on the stars and the stars are answering!
Slann Starmasters spend most of their days in the Star Chambers of their ziggurats, reading the ebb and flow of the cosmic tides, casting their minds along the shimmering pathways of causality, navigating a route that best pleases them. These august amphibians are a dwindling breed, and only the venerable Lord Kroak survives from the first generation.
Slann Starmasters
Right off the bat we get a look at two spells they are getting. Both of which are going to be pretty useful. And I have a funny feeling they will get to use both… The flat +1 to to casting value for friendly Wizards is pretty nice. And a 4+ ward is always welcomed!
The Seraphon still have their options divided into either the Starborne or the Coalesced and both factions have some unique enhancements. Both will have access to Drain Magic which boosts your own dispelling rolls and messes with enemy unbind rolls. However, the Starborne Slann have some extra tricks.
“Tepok’s Beneficence, an 18” range spell that subtracts 1 from wound rolls for attacks that target these more fragile minions.” Starborne also have the classic Comet’s Call which, as the name implies, will drop some Comets on the battlefield.
But don’t count the Coalesced out either. They have their own set of goodies to play with, too.
That’s got some crazy potential if you can line-it-up correctly. There’s also a bunch of Slann specific command traits and artefacts in the new Battletome to play with and the Slann just won’t stop croaking about it!
The new Slann will join the ranks this weekend as the pre-orders will include the Seraphon Army box! Will you be prepared for the Starmasters?
So that’s what all that croaking was about…