AoS: List of the Week – Not the Bees!

Careful in the woods; I hear the insects are tough this year.
Welcome in, Generals of the Realms! This week’s list is solid Sylvaneth list packed with nasty spites and a few Stormcast buddies. Stock up on bug spray and check out the weekly stats below, brought to us by BCP.
Army Faction: Sylvaneth
– Army Subfaction: Gnarlroot
– Grand Strategy: The Day is Ours!
– Triumphs: Inspired
– Seasons of War: The Dwindling
1 x Drycha Hamadreth (320)*
– Spells: Verdurous Harmony, Regrowth
1 x Warsong Revenant (300)*
– General
– Command Traits: Spellsinger
– Artefacts: The Vesperal Gem
– Spells: The Dwellers Below, Treesong
– Aspects of the Champion: Fuelled by Ghurish Rage
1 x Knight-Vexillor (120)*
– Meteoric Standard
1 x Knight-Vexillor (120)***
– Meteoric Standard
1 x Knight-Vexillor (120)***
– Meteoric Standard
1 x Spirit of Durthu (350)***
– Artefacts: Greenwood Gladius
5 x Tree-Revenants (110)*
10 x Dryads (100)**
10 x Dryads (100)**
5 x Tree-Revenants (110)**
10 x Dryads (100)**
1 x Spiteswarm Hive (40)
5 x Skaeth’s Wild Hunt (110)***
**Galletian Veterans
TOTAL POINTS: (2000/2000)
Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App
The Most Played Faction: This chart represents the primary faction identified by players when submitting their lists. This gives a global view of what’s popular and being played out there in the competitive scene:
April 30th, 2023:
1: Stormcast Eternals
2: Slaves to Darkness
3: Gloomspite Gitz
4: Sylvaneth
5: Blades of Khorne
6: Ogor Mawtribes
7: Kharadron Overlords
8: Hedonites of Slaanesh
9: Maggotkin of Nurgle
10: Lumineth Realm-Lords
April 23rd, 2023:
1: Slaves to Darkness
2: Gloomspite Gitz
3: Blades of Khorne
4: Stormcast Eternals
5: Ogor Mawtribes
6: Sylvaneth
7: Kharadron Overlords
8: Lumineth Realm-Lords
9: Hedonites of Slaanesh
10: Nighthauntt
The Most Winning Faction: This chart represents the primary faction identified by players who are winning events. This gives a global view of what’s potent and winning games out there in the competitive scene:
April 30th, 2023:
1: Gloomspite Gitz
2: Slaves to Darkness
3: Stormcast Eternals
4: Kharadron Overlords
5: Blades of Khorne
6: Ogor Mawtribes
7: Sylvaneth
8: Disciples of Tzeentch
9: Lumineth Realm-Lords
10: Hedonites of Slaanesh
April 23rd, 2023:
1: Gloomspite Gitz
2: Blades of Khorne
3: Slaves to Darkness
4: Ogor Mawtribes
5: Kharadron Overlords
6: Lumineth Realm-Lords
7: Sylvaneth
8: Stormcast Eternals
9: Hedonites of Slaanesh
10: Maggotkin of Nurgle
It’s nice to see the trees taking top table back. I’m a big fan of the Sylvaneth, and this is an interesting list. The combination of those three banners and the heavy-hitting heroes means there aren’t too many levers to pull on this machine, and that’s a good thing. I’m sad to not see Alarielle, but at least Durthu, Drycha, and the murder flute are getting their steps in.
OK, let’s hear from you generals in the comments.
Data brought to you weekly by our friends at:
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