D&D: These Magic Items From ‘Honor Among Thieves’ Will Have You Thinking About Portals

The D&D: Honor Among Thieves free bundle on D&D Beyond, you can now get magic items from the movie, including one out of Aperture Science.
In conjunction with the launch of the new D&D movie, Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, D&D Beyond has a new bundle. It includes the Thieves’ Gallery, which has stats for all the characters from the movie. But it now also has magic items from the movie. Now you can see how some of the plot holes are filled, and how other plot holes have been created.
If you’ve seen the movie, you understand. If not, don’t worry about it. Either way, you can claim the free bundle on D&D Beyond. Here’s a look at the items that await.
D&D Movie Magic Items – Now You’re Thinking With Portals
There are five items in all. Each one features in the movie, at least in part. And let’s start with the least interesting one, the Red Wizard blade, aka the “why don’t they just cast resurrection plot device.” This is the opposite of a deus ex machina, a Red Wizard blade is a magic dagger that does two things:
- 3d12 damage
- Creatures killed by this weapon can’t be raised from the dead except by divine intervention of a tablet of reawakening
This is the answer to why didn’t Cloud just Phoenix Down Aerith after she got Sephirothed. And it’s basically “a morgul blade” except you won’t find any athelas around.
Speaking of plot devices though, the Tablet of Reawakening is one of three other MacGuffins in the movie. This is your movie-only Resurrection, but it’s a fine item to quest after if you’re in search of a way to bring back a favorite character who has died.
Then there’s the Helm of Disjunction, which has the magical ability to disjoin any spell effect, much like Mordenkainen’s Disjunction.
But the real star of the show is the Hither Thither staff, which is basically Aperture Science’s Portal Gun:
This staff allows you to create a magical portal on one surface, linked to a portal on another surface. You can even cause the portal to disappear temporarily as a bonus action, making it even easier to do what they do in the movie.
And finally the last MacGuffin, the villain’s Deus Ex Machina, the Horn of Beckoning Death, which turns people into zombies under the control of Szass Tam. But only if they have 9 or fewer hit points.
Really it’s the portal staff that’s the prize here, but the others are neat ideas to have around.