D&D’s Official Japanese Release Gets A New ‘Iconic Party’

Wizards of the Coast unveiled a new ‘Iconic Party’ for their official Japanese Release, which is coming later in 2023!
As part of the rollout for the Japanese language launch of D&D, the official Wizards D&D JP account revealed a new iconic party for the Dragons of Icespire Peak, likely as part of the D&D Essentials Kit’s localization effort. WotC collaborated with artist Chomoran to come up with this new look, which has set the community abuzz.
Not the least of which is because here we have, yet again, a dragonborn with a tail. Which just goes to show that, no matter where you go, everyone understands the need for a good tail on a character.
D&D’s New Iconic Party – Dragonborn With Beefy Broadsword
◢◤新情報解禁 2/3◢◤
相川由冴さん ラファリ
樫野 凪さん アトリア・ドーンガード
平川正三さん トゥラリシュ🔽声優、チョモランさんからのコメントはこちら pic.twitter.com/awv3tq4xnb
— ダンジョンズ&ドラゴンズ (@wizardsdndjp) April 4, 2023
This a look at the “essential party” for the localized Essentials Kit, and as such these heroes represent a “typical D&D party.” In the picture above, which accompanied the official announcement, we got a glimpse of each of the characters. There’s Cal Skiprock, a lightfoot halfling Rogue.
Lafail, a half-elf Cleric of Selune.
Atria Dawnguard, a human Fighter.
Oldscar, a high elf Wizard.
And Turalish, a dragonborn Fighter.
Which isn’t too far off from what the generic D&D party makeup is considered to be. It’s a formula as old as 1st Edition: Fighter, Cleric, Wizard, Rogue. Though we know that the more current “typical party” looks a lot different from the days of yore. There’s a lot more Warlocks and multiclassed characters, for one. According to data from 2021, more than 50% of characters use multiclass options. And that number has likely only grown in the ensuing years, especially as D&D goes through its more recent surge in community.
And canny players familiar with Lost Mine of Phandelver will recognize a familiar party makeup. The pre-generated party was the same: Rogue, Cleric, Wizard, two Fighters. Which isn’t a bad setup for a group of people new to D&D. At any rate, the new look will be the star of the upcoming box set. Maybe minis to follow? It seems like the sort of thing WizKids might jump on.
What do you think of this party’s look?