Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K Hot Mess – Blightlord Terminators

Death Guard Blightlord Terminators used to be so cool. But now – they are just slow stinky bros who don’t do enough – let’s fix it.
The Blightlord Terminators are supposed to be an anvil to break your enemy on top of. They are the Elite backbone of the Death Guard and are meant to be some of the true bad ass warriors for the Stinky Dead boys. I remember when the models came out I had to have a unit or two. But today, they are just slow-moving Terminators that can kinda hit you alright if they get there. Why not make them better?
Make Blightlord Terminators Tougher
They are already pretty tough, and I expect them to get tougher in 10th edition – but we need them to be even better. I think the easiest way to help them out is to let them have some kind of auto-heal option that brings a model back. I don’t think they should heal wounds, but if you leave the unit alone it can bring back a dead comrade to help keep them going.
Make Their Weapons More Lethal
The fact their Blight-axes were just Damage 1 was such a pain in the butt. I think all weapon options for any Terminators should start at 2 to allow them to be true elite warriors of doom. From there, we can look at some of the other weapons – like the different axes and swords to allow them to be uniquely deadly. Or heck just make almost all the weapons the same so the only real “ones” we need to remember are the big giant axe and the morning-star of stank.
Beyond just the weapons, they should also have some kind of killing aura as they bring the plagues to you. Things like each unit takes a Mortal Wound when near them or something else a bit more interesting beyond just -1 toughness. How about a way to mark a unit that they hit and it helps their Death Guard do better? Maybe things like exploding 6’s to hit or other fun stuff based on attacking with plague weapons.
Let There Be More “Murder” Stratagems
I always think there should be more “cool” stratagems for specific units. There could be a Blightlord stratagem granting more damage on weapons, or better hits within some aura of grossness, or just being tougher (boring). I want Blightlord Terminators to feel like they are grinding down the battlefield with a ton of awesome options due to being the elite of the Death Guard.
Hiding Some Character Options
We know that Leaders are going to be attaching to units again – so why not let some of them be upgrades to the Blightlord Terminators instead of an option you have to purchase outside the normal Force Org. This way, you could create these little upgrades to match the units instead of trying to fit some of these characters in. We’ll see how it all pans out in the future but 10th Edition could lead to some cool-looking units.
Make Blightlords Awesome
These models are some of the special looking ones for Death Guard and it is such as shame they are not nearly as viable as some of their other Terminator cousins. I want them to be good, to be helpful to the army, and become a true anvil for the Death Guard out here.
Come and taste my plague!