Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K Hot Mess – Callidus Assassin

The Callidus Assassin is just one of those weird units that is a heck of a lot cooler in the lore than the tabletop. So let’s rework them.
The Callidus is supposed to be the ultimate spy/assassin. They can hide out anywhere, get close to their enemy, and give them a stabbing or two. The true death that comes from this unit should be quick, quiet, and extremely deadly. Of course, all of this is super awesome in the stories but doesn’t make a ton of sense in the game itself. They are supposed to be disrupters of an enemy’s army. But instead they just sorta show up, act annoying, and then usually die in a hail of sadness bullets.
First Let’s Make the Callidus Assassin Disruptive
Their Reign of Confusion ability has a cool name, but it really just isn’t as good as it should be. The 4+ to get something is just not good enough, and it really has me wondering why that was put in when the effect should just happen. So instead of just making things more expensive, why not make it more interesting. How about if you use a Stratagem they can “change” the opponent’s target once a player turn? That ability you wanted to happen to your one unit – now it happens to someone hiding behind a rock. Of course, you make it where if they only have one available target, it still works. But how cool would it be to be able to shift their strategem’s target and truly sow some confusion?
The Callidus Should Be Super Deadly To Its Target
Assassins have a target, so let the Callidus pick an enemy unit and get a ton of extra abilities when they target them. Things like always wounding on a 2+, causing mortal wounds on 6’s to hit, and even getting full rerolls versus their listed target. Let them be truly feared when they hit the tabletop, point at an enemy character, and bring the pain down on their heads.
Show Up REAL Close
They need to show up very close to the enemy. I do not think they should have a guaranteed charge, but it should only fail on a roll of double 1’s or something. The Callidus waits and plans to murder you, and can appear as a trusted colleague. So extreme measures of luck should only keep the target at bay. Let them only show up at the chosen target at over 3 inches away. Oh, and after they kill the enemy they can go back into the shadows, not count for a dead model, and maybe show up again if they needed to.
Amp Up Callidus Assassin Weapons
Let that C’tan Phase Sword be something nuts too. It has always wound on a 2+, ignores invulnerable saves, and does other cool things. Let it have a sweep attack as they basically jump around, going extremely stabby on those protecting their target. It’s made from the skin of a star-god! Then let the weird flamer do cool stuff too, like turn off overwatch and break the enemy’s leadership as they coat them in weird poison.
Just Make the Callidus Cool Again
The model looks cool, and they should be cool. The Assassins should be feared when they hit the tabletop, and the Callidus just feels really weird when you look at their current rules. They are supposed to sow fear and distrust, but in reality, they are just a weird model that doesn’t do enough or hit well enough to make it worth it. Let them really mess with the enemy and have them questioning where they are going and how they can protect their leaders well enough.
Shhhhh. they are hunting Chaos!