Pathfinder: ‘Beginner Box Days’ Get Started With Pathfinder This Month!
With more people than ever before getting into Pathfinder 2nd Edition, Paizo announced a new opportunity: Pathfinder Beginner Box Days!
Now you might be thinking, Beginner Box Days sounds an awful lot like one of those local furniture warehouses or used car dealerships where the prices are so low they’re practically giving them away, and you’d be right. This is basically just one overly-stilted performance away from throwing money at the camera while someone’s nephew frantically Googles “how to star wipe iMovie”. But, that’s exactly the atmosphere that can get you into your very first game of Pathfinder.
Because Pathfinder: Beginner Box Days is your chance to connect and play with people throughout Paizo’s community. Which is the best way to learn any RPG–by doing. All you need is a Discord account and to signup below.
Pathfinder: Beginner Box Days
From April 22-30th, new players curious to try Pathfinder can join experienced Game Masters as they play through the Pathfinder Beginner Box adventure: “Menace Under Otari”! This two-session adventure is designed to guide players through combat, exploration, skills, and even puzzles! The upper level teaches the basics of Pathfinder gameplay, while the lower dungeon puts them in advanced practice.
You can find info to sign up on the Beginner Box Days website at Then join the r/Pathfinder2e Discord channel to connect with your Game Master and other players! The organizers will primarily use Discord as to communicate updates (or deals) as well as host virtual playrooms.
While player signups started on April 1st, there’s still plenty of time. And if you’re an experienced Pathfinder GM, you have until April 17th to register to run. You can sign up to GM at the RPG Chronicles website with the event code 2711409, including your Discord username. Any who sign up get a free PDF of the Beginner Box as well.
If you’ve been Pathfinder 2E curious, now’s your chance to get in there and play!