Redshirts Rejoice, ‘The Lower Decks’ Comes To The Star Trek Adventures RPG

Modiphius announced a The Lower Decks expansion for the Star Trek Adventures RPG. Pretend to do a Captain’s log while you pretend to do a Captain’s log.
When The Next Generation first came out, it held up a mirror to audiences with the introduction of Reginald Barclay, aka Mr. Broccoli. “In a world of Jean-Luc Picards,” Star Trek maintained, “you know damn well you’d be the weird little gremlin living out your power/sexual fantasies on the holodeck.”
And this fine tradition continues in The Lower Decks, the animated Star Trek series that explores the lives of the Lower Deckers. You know, the people running around in the background while Geordi and Data reconfigure particle flows. And Modiphius has announced a new expansion that explores the less glamorous side of the final frontier with a Lower Decks campaign guide for Star Trek Adventures.
The Lower Decks – Star Trek Adventures RPG Campaign Guide
Star Trek: Lower Decks is just the first salvo. There’s a whole lot planned, from digital crew packs to a standalone adventure and more:
- Lower Decks digital crew packs (season 1 available now, seasons 2 and 3 coming later in 2023), including playable main and supporting characters pulled from the series and playable game statistics for the U.S.S. Cerritos. Contributing writers include Star Trek Adventures regular contributors Tilly and Susan Bridges, Michael Dismuke, Chris McCarver, and Aaron M. Pollyea.
- Lurkers, a Lower Decks-themed digital standalone adventure available now, written by veteran Star Trek novelist and regular Star Trek Adventures contributor Christopher L. Bennett.
- A forthcoming free digital missions brief pack written by contributing writer Michael Dismuke. This pack includes 10 mission outlines, all including the quirky Lower Decks style of humor you can add to your campaigns.
- All this leads up to the anticipated release in Q3 2023 of the full-size, 240-page full-color hardcover supplement, the Star Trek: Lower Decks Campaign Guide, packed full of information about bringing the Lower Decks tone and style of humor into your Star Trek Adventures campaigns and adventures, information about life on the lower decks of Starfleet and other polities, new spaceframes, eight new playable alien species, new equipment, and more content than you can shake a gumato at!
All of this awaits in the upcoming guide. Stay tuned for more!