Warhammer 40K: Adeptus Arbites Get Free Rules

The Adeptus Arbites showed up in Kill Team: Soulshackle and now they have rules for use in 40k as well!
If you liked the Space Cops from Kill Team you can now bring them to the tabletop propper with rules for Warhammer 40,000! Ally them into your favorite Armies of the Imperium and you won’t have to wait for back-up to arrive.
Download The Adeptus Arbites Datasheet
Adeptus Arbites Rules
There are actually 3 different datasheets for the Arbites depending on which squad(s) you want to build and add to your lists.
The first squad up is the Vigilant Squad. This is more of your traditional Arbites squad with combat shotguns and that type of iconic equipment.
The Subductor Squad is more close-combat oriented with Shock Mauls and shields that provide them with a 5+ invulnerable save. They are basically riot cops for the Grimdark!
The final squad fits in the elite slot and it’s basically the Kill Team from Soulshackle with all the various specialists and wargear. They’ve got a lot more going on and have some special rules to match.
Adeptus Arbites in 10th?
Now you might be thinking “that’s great but I’m starting to prep for 10th…these rules aren’t really going to help” and yea…that’s because these rules for for 9th. But the good news is that you CAN bring the Arbites in 10th.
If you’re planning to enlist some of the Emperor’s own constabulary, it’s also a great time to be thinking about the updates to Warhammer 40,000 just over the horizon. Much like in the current edition, AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM can join other Imperial armies as auxiliaries and overseers – but this time the rules are a little different.
List building in the new edition is going to be much easier and faster. And if you want to include any of the Agents of the Imperium you can (provided the base army has the Imperium Keyword of course). By using the chart above you can quickly sort out how many units you can add. And since every unit’s datasheet will be available day 1 you can take your Arbites and slot them in no problem!
Adeptus Arbites – Not just for Kill Team!