Warhammer 40K: Choosing A New Army For 10th Edition

A new edition is coming to Warhammer 40,000. It’s time to choose a new army for 10th edition!
Warhammer 40,000 is a pretty vast hobby in terms of miniatures to collect, paint, and play with. And frankly, I’ve had my eye on a few armies in the past that I just had to put on the shelf of “future project” ideas for too long. Well, with 10th edition coming out, I think it’s time to pick-up a new army to experience the new edition with a fresh set of eyes and some new (to me) models to use!
The Boarding Patrol boxes offer a good start if you’re completely new as do the Combat Patrol options. In the past, I’ve also pointed out that you could effectively buy one of each and have a really strong core to build from. But I’m not a new player. I have a few armies and years of experience building and painting models. So I’m looking to expand my personal collection. I also know what I like and what I enjoy playing. I’m not looking to chase the meta or win the next GT. But I do want an army that I’ll stick with and can keep coming back to.
My army choosing process is pretty simple. I want something that’s fairly easy to play, has a lot of models in the range (for future expansion) but is also low model count to start. And I need something I can paint quickly because, frankly, I lose interest in painting if there are too many steps involved.
Have you heard of the Adeptus Custodes…
I also don’t want to paint gold. Or play a “good guy” army. I’ve got a few Xenos armies already. So that leaves Chaos…and there’s lot of flavors to choose from! I also have a sizable Chaos army for Age of Sigmar which gives me plenty of opportunity for some bit-swaps.
Personally, for 10th edition, I’m leaning pretty hard towards a Black Legion army led by Abaddon. Why? Well, I’ve played Pre-Heresy World Eaters in the past and I really liked my old CSM army. However, I’ve always wanted to make a truly modern Chaos Space Marine army.
I picked up and painted Abaddon when he got his latest model a few years ago but never really built an army around him. I think 10th edition is the perfect opportunity for me to do just that.
I haven’t played a real Chaos Space Marine army since 5th edition. And since then, there’s been a TON of new stuff added to the game. Between all the new kits and options in the range I think I’ll have a lot of choices. But I also want a low model count to start. That’s why I’m planning on taking some heavy hitters.
Chaos Terminators got a new-ish kit. And Abaddon and Terminators seems like a good start. I’ll toss in some CSM squads, too. I don’t know the points or rules for the army in 10th so I’m still spitballing here. But those units seem like foundational options and the kits are available now so I can at least get started with them.
No cultists for me…I’m hoping to keep the model count down…
We have the points for the current edition so I figure if I can get say 1000 points ready, I should have enough of a core when 10th edition launches I can play some small games to start and figure out where to go from there. That seems like an entirely reasonable goal to me.
I’m really hoping by starting a new army for the new edition I can start fresh again. I’ve got a lot of rules baggage in my head from previous editions and armies. But I’ve never really played a straight-up Black Legion army before and it’s a new edition! It’s probably as “fresh” as it can possibly get for me as a veteran player.
And hey…I’ve still got my OTHER armies to choose from when I feel like trying out those in 10th edition. I’ll just need to grab their rules and toss together a list and play! Variety and spice and all that.
Are you going to start a new army for 10th? Which ones are YOU interested in trying out?