Warhammer 40K: Does the Lore Match the Model? – FTN

This week have a chill talk about if we think the way Warhammer 40K models play matches what we expect from the lore.
While Paul and the crew are taking a break, we’re sharing some of the top episodes of the last year. Enjoy this throwback chat about lore and minis!
This is very much a finger-the-air conversation, but it was fun. Do the rules match the lore? It certainly seems like they try. We don’t talk about the ‘power level’ really. We want to keep the conversation to: “do we think the rules for the model line up pretty well with the way the model looks or what we have come to expect from what has been written about the model?”
We have a brief bit where we also discuss if our own perceptions or biases filter through and if we’ve invented some of this along the way in our heads. We spend so much time fantasizing about 40k that it is a huge possibility. It’s kind of fun to talk about. Do you bring any bias to the way you think a model should perform vs the way it actually does? How you feel the writers have interpreted it?
We don’t talk about how we might have been wrong about that really on this show, but it’s a fun exercise to think about for future shows for sure.
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