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Age of Sigmar: How to Play Ossiarch Bonereapers

5 Minute Read
Jul 1 2024

Today we check out the basics of Age of Sigmar’s Ossiarch Bonereapers, with how-to-play tips to wield Nagash’s masterstroke army.

Not content to let Sigmar have all the ultimate warrior fun, Nagash has been slowly accumulating bones and souls to make an army of perfect soldiers, the Ossiarch Bonereapers. Recent rules made them a bit more varied, so here are some fast tips for playing the bone boys.

Who are the Ossiarch Bonereapers?

The Ossiarch Bonereapers are brand new form of unlife, purpose-built for war and to fulfill the vision of Nagash to create a perfect, endless army to conquer every landmass, which will be known as the Necrotopia. The Mortarch Orpheon Katakros and his chief lieutenant, Arch-Kavalos Zandtos lead the Ossiarch legions composed of immortal, inviolable and incredibly potent bodies constructed from bone and each inhabited by dozens or even hundreds of mortal souls.

The forms of the Ossiarch Bonereapers are created by the Mortisan craftsmen using the bones collected from the Tithe of Bones. But unlike most Necromancers who simply imbue it with unlife wherever it lies via the use of Shyishan energy, the Mortisons process the material extensively, for though bone has a natural resonance with amethyst magic it is brittle and porous. Instead, they mold it through arcane means into sculpted new shapes that are harder, denser, and more suited to war. The spirit that animates an Ossiarch Bonereaper is also manufactured using the souls of their enemies.

Why Play Ossiarch Bonereapers?

Powerful, self-sufficient, and tough, this is an army that rewards most styles of gameplay. Wanna play Cavalry? You can. Infantry spam? Easy. Stompy/magic nonsense? You can bring Nagash or Arkhan! This is an army that is spoiled for choice, and can do just about anything you want (except shoot, but it’s Death, so if you want to shoot, pick a new Grand Alliance).

Ossiarch Bonereapers Strengths

  • Relentless Discipline incentivizes mixed arms approach
  • Your basic unit is really tough, and most of your army can dish out attacks like candy.

Ossiarch Bonereapers Weaknesses

  • Like most Death armies, this army is very reliant on its hero choices. Not as much as the others, but still.
  • They’re a bit more expensive than usual Death armies.

Signature Ossiarch Bonereapers Rules

Battle Traits

  • Relentless Discipline abilities- six keyword locked, once per phase, abilities that can be utilized every turn.

Battle Formations

  • Mortisan Council– casting bonus from Necrotic Symphony.
  • Mortek Ballistari– Bonus to hit for friendly Mortek Crawlers.
  • Kavalos Lance– pre-game move for Cavalry.
  • Mortek Phalanx– Generate replacement units for Mortek Guard.

Heroic Traits

  • Diversionary Tactics– 12″ aura that reduces enemy charges by 2″.
  • Mighty Archaeossian– causes hit roll of 1-3 to always miss this target.
  • Aura of Sterility– Aura of -1 to wound from Shooting.


  • Marrowpact– Once per game chance at dealing mortal wounds to attacking units.
  • Lode of Saturation– A nice simple ward save of 5+.
  • Helm of Tyranny– Aura that reduces enemy control scores.

Key Bonereapers Units

When constructing your Undead army, these should be some units you look at, even if you don’t decide to bring them along.


The Mortarch of the Necropolis is the signature model of the faction and a really big boy. He forms the linchpin of a Bonereaper line with his Supreme Lord of the Bonereaper Legions command ability.


A mounted combat lord that brings a lot of punch on its initial impact charging into combat. Plus, a chain activation with Deathriders ability and a boatload of attacks means this guy will be a frontline headache for your opponent.

Mortisan Boneshaper

The important healer/caster. He heals a nearby unit passively during every friendly hero phase and can resurrect dead models just as easily.

Mortek Guard

Your basic infantry unit here, and they are GREAT at holding up threats (they even get an extra rend when they are charged!). Their weapons have exploding 6s (Crit (2 Hits)), and their command ability gives them unmodifiable saves. Put your Boneshaper behind them, and they’ll rarely move.


Immortis Guard

These guys are Mortek Guard on growth stimulants, and they act the part. They’re tough and have a fairly hefty 3+ armor save. Keep them next to your slow important heroes (like Arkhan if you take him), and keep them healed with a Boneshaper for the ultimate stall wall.

Morghast Harbingers

These elite flying monsters have very strong combat attacks in the form of Spirit Weapons. In addition, they always benefit from any Relentless Disciplne used thanks to Heralds of Nagash.

Teratic Cohort

A strange and eclectic group of beasts, the Cohort can set up off board and come in off a board edge. Perfect for being a sneaky skeleton.

Kavalos Deathriders

Another solid Death cavalry option, Kavalos Deathriders move as if they had Fly thanks to Deathrider Wedge, and hit very hard on the charge.

Mortek Crawler

A bit of Undead catapult shooting to remind you of the Tomb Kings. You’ve got a nice shooting profile,  with the potential to inflict ‘Strike Last’ on its target.


Sample Ossiarch Bonereapers Army

Faction: Ossiarch Bonereapers
-Battle Formation: Mortek Ballistari

Reigment 1
6 Immortis Guard
6 Immortis Guard
Mortek Crawler
Mortek Crawler

How to Play Ossiarch Bonereapers

Ossiarchs, much like Stormcast, prefer a hammer and anvil style of play. Use your tough infantry to tie up your opponent while your faster hitters catch them in the rear or your spellcasters lay down withering bolts with impunity. Even your tank units are heavy hitters, though, so give as good as you get, keep your units healed, and collect your tithe of bone.

For Nagash!

Author: Allen Campbell
  • Age of Sigmar: How to Play Flesh-eater Courts