Amazon’s ‘Wheel of Time’: We Finally Get a Season Two Release Date, Plus Sneak Peek

After a long long wait, Amazon has announced a release date for season two of The Wheel of Time.
Season one of Amazon’s Wheel of Time was a bit hit or miss. Though it had some strong moments it failed to really win over a broad fanbase. That didn’t stop Amazon from forging ahead and making more seasons. In fact, season three is currently filming. Since season one came out, more than a year ago we’ve only had real drips and drabs of information about the follow-up season. Well now after much speculation the floodgates are opening, with not only the announcement of a release date but also a raft of stills from the season.
Wheel of Time Season Two is Coming on September 1st
As announced by the show on Twitter season two will premier on September 1st. At last, we have a real date. It is a little earlier than most people expected (or a lot later) however. Once the show was pushed back into the fall most people were predicting a November release, much like both season 1 and The Rings of Power had. But what is important is that the show is coming out this year. The tweet didn’t have a ton of other info. There was a small video that was nice and ended with some mysterious words.
It also announced that “the great hunt begins on September 1st”. The Great Hunt is both the title of the second book in the series and of a major event that takes place in the early books. Various people have translated the mystery text in the tweet as reading “the grave is no bar to my call.” This is a reference to the Horn of Valere. As the Horn is the subject of the Great Hunt it makes a lot of sense. It certainly seems that these elements from Book Two are going to play a big role in Season 1.
Batches of Pictures
Along with a release date of season two of The Wheel of Time. The first one shows Egwene al’Vere working in a kitchen of some type. Given that she is wearing white under her apron this is likely in the White Tower during her training as an accepted.
Continuing this theme is a picture of Nynaeve al’Meara, also in white. You can see the background here seems to match the room from the Jordoncon teaser. Given her state of dress, I’d say it’s highly likely she’s about to undergo her testing.
We’ve also got one of nu-Mat Cauthon crying on the bed or couch. It’s not clear when what’s going on here. Given his state and dress, however, I’d guess this is early on before his healing by the tower. This might even be him in a moment of regret after bailing on his friends in Season One. It’s clear due to what happened in season one that his storyline is getting some changes so it’s a bit hard to guess.
Next up Lan Mandragoran rides in a forest. Not much to go on at all here. This region does look different from some of the other areas we’ve seen.
Is There New Stuff Coming in Wheel of Time Season Two?
We’ve also got this picture of Moiraine Damodred walking down the street somewhere. The clothing and the background seem kind of Asian-inspired but I’m not really certain where this is supposed to be. My best guess is Tear, but that’s speculation.
Next up we’ve got a couple of odd pictures. This one shows what appears to be Perrin Aybara and Aviendha fighting some Seancahn in a city. This doesn’t mirror anything from the books I can think of, so is clearly something new to the show.
Then we’ve got one with more Seanchan and Loial and the Dark One/Ishamael walking through that same city. This could be Falme or Tear or some other place entirely. This is another scene that doesn’t really seem to match up with the book as far as I recall.
Lastly, we’ve got a shot of Rand al’Thor standing in front of a wall. The banners show the same symbol we’ve seen on other banners in the town where the Seanchan is this is almost certainly that same place. In the books, this section takes place in Falme, but the show could change that. Given Rand’s fancy shirt and look of determination, along with the fact that Rand doesn’t get to Falme till towards the end of book two, I’d guess this comes late in the season. Still, now that we have a release date for season two of The Wheel of Time, we won’t have to wait all that long to find out!
Let us know if you are looking forward to season 2, down in the comments!