Cosplay: ‘The Mandalorian’ – This Father and Child is the Way

It’s the best father/son duo in the Universe: the Mandalorian & Grogu. Only now the Child has the Mandalorian armor every Foundling dreams of.
When The Mandalorian premiered in 2019 the entire internet was immediately obsessed with ‘Baby Yoda.’ Since we’ve learned that the youngling’s name is actually Grogu and have even gotten a bunch of his long-lost backstory filled in. But his popularity remains as strong as ever.
The Mandalorian’s popularity was in no part due to its return to the practical effects we loved best from the original Star Wars trilogy. And nowhere was this more noticeable than Grogu being brought to life by some amazing puppetry skills. This week, we’re featuring the amazing Mandalorian Cosplay by Shawn Richter, who built some REALLY adorable matching Father/Son armor for his kiddo. It’s so sweet it gives me a toothache, so I had to share. The combined cuteness factor with a stunningly detailed and meticulously crafted Mando cosplay has me “aaaaaaaw”-ing all over the place.
Mando and His Foundling
“You are going to stay here, so I want you to be respectful. And mind your manners. You know what I’m talking about.”-Mando to the Child
“I’ve been quested to bring him to his kind. If I can locate other Mandalorians, they can help guide me. I’m told you know where to find them.” -Mando
“You know this is no place for a child.” -Gor Koresh
“Wherever I go, he goes.” -Mando
“We gonna do this in front of the kid?”- Cobb Vanth
“He’s seen worse.”-Mando
Mando and Friends
I couldn’t help it, this is such a great cosplay I HAD to include some of his other images.
“There’s no way we’re making it to Corvus in this shape. You know, I think we need to visit some friends for repairs. So, how’d you like to go back to Nevarro?”-Mando to the Child
“Alumaluster trials….it sure is pretty and it looks more like metal. Not sure if there is a sealer out there that won’t dull the finish though. Thank you Adam Kyron Murillo for doing the airbrushing today. I was a little scared. “- Shawn Richter
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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