D&D ‘Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone’ Will Be the Last Book From the Setting’s Creator

Keith Baker, creator of the Eberron campaign setting, has announced that his Eberron-based publishing company will make one last book.
Eberron is a campaign world that is very near and dear to my heart. So when Keith Baker announced that his publishing company, KB Presents would be closing its doors on June 30, 2023, it was a sad day indeed. Over the last four years, KB Presents has rolled out some of the best 5E Books, let alone just “for Eberron.”
And you can see it in how popular each of the books is over on the DM’s Guild. Exploring Eberron, Chronicles of Eberron, Dread Metrol, and Eberron Confidential routinely top the charts. Per Baker’s announcement, though, the company will be making one last book: Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone.
KB Presents Closes Doors, But Not Before Opening Frontiers of Eberron
We appreciate all the support and enthusiasm that our fans brought these past four years, and it is with a heavy heart that we must inform you that on June 30, 2023 KB Presents will be closing its doors. It has been a joy and honor to bring you our version of Eberron and we are incredibly proud of what we have created.
As we pursue new challenges and opportunities, we leave the existing works under the stewardship of Visionary Production and Design (https://twitter.com/visionarypnd). This includes the following Dungeon Masters Guild titles:
- Exploring Eberron: Exploring Eberron – Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
- Chronicles of Eberron: Chronicles of Eberron – Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
- Dread Metrol: Dread Metrol: Into the Mists – An Eberron / Ravenloft Crossover – Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
- Eberron Confidential: Eberron Confidential – Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
The last book, Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone, should see released later in 2023. This will be published under Visionary, as outlined above. As for why? Well, the answer has been brewing for a while, it seems.
Eberron in the OGL
Earlier this year, during the OGL debacle, Keith Baker shared his thoughts on his Patreon. In a nutshell, Baker was questioning the direction WotC and Hasbro were taking, all while dealing with the fact that WotC owns Baker’s creation entirely:
I love Eberron. There are many corners of the setting I’ve yet to explore and many details I’ve imagined that I’ve yet to share. But the simple fact is that it’s not mine. Eberron is wholly owned by Wizards of the Coast, and that limits what I can do with it. If I make a sourcebook or adventure, it has to be sold on the DM’s Guild, with everything that entails. I can’t write a new Eberron novel. Twogether Studios makes card games, but I can’t create a card game for Eberron. And, of course, I can’t create Eberron content for any system other than D&D. Beyond this, none of us know what is going to happen with Hasbro and WotC over the next year. What if they decide to stop allowing community-created Eberron content? Eberron is my best-known creation and D&D is currently the most widespread system, but there are limits and risks to putting all of my creative energy into developing content I don’t actually own.
Baker expressed that one of the books he’d been working on for Eberron, originally, might do better exploring outside of the world he created which WotC owns. Threshold, as he called it, might be his next frontier. One of “wandslingers and westerns” among other things. Which, sign me up already, please. That’s all I want.
Even so, Baker isn’t abandoning Eberron entirely. While he’ll be focusing on work at Twogetherstudio, he’ll still be answering questions, writing articles, and doing other Patreon-related things tied to Eberron.
So though KB Presents might be coming to a close for Eberron, a new frontier might be opening up soon.