‘Evil Wizard’ is an Action RPG Not Afraid to Burn Down the 4th Wall

In a world filled with overly dark and serious action RPGs, Evil Wizard isn’t afraid to get a little weird with it.
Evil Wizard is a newly released action RPG video game from Rubber Duck Games. It’s got a gameplay structure similar to games like Wizard of Legend or Hollow Knight, but the comparison isn’t really fair to either entry.
In Evil Wizard, wouldn’t you know it, but you play as the Evil Wizard! His scary castle of torment has been raided by the goody-two-shoes Heroes Alliance and now you must reclaim your castle by any means necessary (mostly through killing said heroes).
Fast-Paced Dash Combat
Combat in Evil Wizard uses a combination of slashing, dashing, and casting. Players will fight off hordes of enemies with various abilities and weapons. But layered on top of the hack-and-slash combat is an element-based magic system.
Throughout the journey, you’ll gain new spells to cast from different elements. Knowing which element to use when is key for an easy fight. Battling ice mages with lightning isn’t going to be nearly as effective as using fire.
Spot Every Reference
Evil Wizard is a game crammed with hilarious references to other games, movies, pop culture, and just well-written comedy. The writing is often crude (in a good way), obscene (in a fun way), and juvenile (in the best way). Every interaction with a hero for a boss battle starts with hurling insults before ultimately smashing their face in with your staff.
The Good, the Bad, and the Evil
Evil Wizard‘s biggest strength might also be its biggest hurdle. It has very straightforward combat and doesn’t try to get overly complicated with combos or anything like that. That said, combat can be repetitive at times. Which is not to say it’s easy. I died plenty of times while playing, but often I found myself not so eager to jump back in and try again.
Overall, Evil Wizard is a fun hack-n-slash action RPG without too many bells and whistles. If you’re the sort of gamer who likes finding different character builds, this one might not be for you. However, if you’re looking for a fun and silly slasher with a hefty dose of crude humor, you’ll probably love Evil Wizard.