Games Workshop: Tyranid Collectible Coin & Free Monthly Miniatures

Games Workshop’s stores will have a new Tyranid Coin as well as a pair of miniatures you can pick-up in June.
The last time Warhammer Stores had a Tyranid Collectible Coin was April of 2022. And you know what? They got me with that one. Looks like in June they are going to get me with another one. And I’m not even mad about it.
“This month’s collectable coin is also Tyranid-themed in advance of Warhammer 40,000: Leviathan, which arrives soon. Who could resist the grin of this creepy little critter? The coin will be available from the 3rd of June and will be available while stocks last. Just ask your store staff how you can get yours.”
I’ll be honest, I do like the Tyranid redesign coin. It’s not the same as the double-ripper look:
But I like it and it’s still very Tyranid looking. Alternative take: This is actually a Saurus Warrior head…which means the Lizardmen are really worshiping the “Old Ones” who were really just the Tyranids all along. They left our galaxy to explore and are finally coming back now to feed all all the life in the grimdark universe. Boom. Chew on that theory.
Free Miniatures For June
Additionally, you’ll also be able to snag a pair of free miniatures from your local Warhammer stores. In this case it’s a Termagant and a Saurus Warrior — while supplies last, naturally.
“You can uphold the tenets of the Great Plan with a Saurus Warrior, who will be available in local stores from the 3rd of June. Tyranid Termagants may be small, but they’re vicious and you can get your free push-fit miniature by speaking to a staff member at your local Warhammer store from the 24th of June. Both will only be available while stocks last. “
The Saurus Warrior is arriving June 3rd…that checks out. And what was that release date for Warhammer 40,000: 10th Edition…err arrival date for the Termagant? the 24th of June? Oh right. I’ll be sure to mark my calendar for that date. To pick up a Termagant. Got it.
Just tossing this image in here. No reason. No reason at all…
Alright folks looks like June is gonna be an interesting one. The new “Termagants” will arrive in Warhammer Stores on the 24th of June. Be sure to swing by if you want to get your free miniature.
Note: Seriously, release date of Warhammer 40,000: 10th edition not confirmed for June 24th. But it’s gotta be REAL close.