Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K Hot Mess – Space Marine Scouts

What do we do with all the random Space Marine Scouts we have laying around? Marines got better but man are Scouts a hot mess right now.
This is always a hard unit to talk about as the models are really old and most likely should just be retired. They just shouldn’t show up anymore, the mold should get trashed, and we just move on with life. But it looks like they are still around and while I am thankful we are no longer seeing them show up in Combat Patrols we always have to think – what the heck do we do with these ancient little Space Marine models?
I Don’t Want To Make Them Tougher
We don’t need to make them any tougher. While the model could have some uses – making it a killing machine isn’t worth it. I think we have to look at it from the perspective of making them useful instead of just being a unit to take the slot of being a cheap murder hobo for Space Marines.
Give Marine Scouts Unique Weapons
Why not let them have even more interesting ammunition? I know we want to save it for those fancy new Sternguard but why not shift some things around. They could have weapons that are not deadly but instead hamper the opponent. We have already seen Tyranids get a -2 to movement option in the new models so why not do something like a Tanglefoot bullet. Or let them almost be like the weird little Hawkeyes from the MCU for the Space Marines.
Let Them Scout/Target Stuff
Oath of the Moment seems pretty powerful but why not have some kind of “target” option for the scouts to help their fellow better Marines shoot better? It doesn’t need to be a reroll but a +1 to hit or some kind of other fun option could make them cool. They aren to doing the killing but letting their better brothers shoot better would be pretty cool.
Booby Trap Objectives!
I always like the idea that these scouts would control and objective and maybe booby trap it for the enemy to hit later. How many times did you leave Scouts out there to soak a charge and leave the opponents awesome punch unit out in the open. Having it also be some kind of objective trap could be really cool especially if the rule is you control it first. Oops, take some Mortal Wounds if you get to close to my objective marker I set up to wreck you if you get too close.
Let Marine Scouts Still Be Useful – a Little
These models are not going away so why not let them be cool. Let them be subtle providers of support and mayhem for the Space Marines. Not everything needs to be a Bolter beatdown machine and until the models stop being released we could just find something useful for them to do.
Come join the Scouts! We got popcorn!