Kill Team: Bring On The Braying Beastmen

Kill Team: Gallowfall is sending in the Beastmen for the final chapter. Here’s a look at the Beastmen of 40k!
Gallowfall is hitting pre-order this weekend and it your first chance to snag these new Beastmen models for Warhammer 40,000. I’m kind of pumped to see more Beastmen return to 40k with some new models and updated wargear to make them fit in the Grimdark vs the old WFB or AoS look. Don’t get me wrong, I like those models as well — it’s just that Beastmen have been missing from 40k for a long time.
“[T]he Beastmen tribes that lurk within the Gallowdark have called its warped hulls home for centuries, if not millennia. Their Fellgor Ravager raiding herds aren’t going to let a few reactor meltdowns or hull ruptures force them to give up their favourite pastime – slaughtering fools in the name of the Dark Gods.”
Beastmen Bite Back
The Kill Team coming in Gallowfall are called the Fellgor Ravagers. They are the newest Beastmen models to come to the Grimdark since the fated-few from Blackstone Fortress. There are 10 Beastmen in the box and each can be built as a more generic Fellgor Warrior or as a unique Operative. That means there lots of variations you can build from the models in this box. It also means that GW better release this kit as a mass production kit sooner rather than later…
And if you think those options were impressive there’s also 15 heads and 15 sets of horns and they are all fully compatible with all the various body-types. And that’s NOT including the extra heads for the specialists! You’ll be able to create your own perfect beastherd from these bits…that’s enough to make AoS Beastmen jealous. Now, enough stalling. Let’s see those specialists.
I’m not going to lie these all look pretty great! I really hope this is just the tip of the Beastmen’s horn for 40k. I know I’m not the only one hoping for the return of a “Lost and the Damned” 40k army that mixes traitor guard and Beastmen into a playable army once again.
Kill Team: Gallowfall is going up for pre-order this weekend. Are you ready for the Beastmen to bray once again?