Let’s Play D&D in ‘The Legend of Zelda’

Wake up, adventurer! It’s time to save Hyrule this week when we invite Link from Legend of Zelda to play Dungeons and Dragons.
There are SO MANY options if you’re just in the mood to sit down and play some Zelda, but the most recent offering is the brand-new Tears of the Kingdom. I haven’t gotten very far into this Breath of the Wild sequel yet, but so far it’s gorgeous, creative, and every bit as fun as I could have hoped. And it feels like just about the entire internet has been enjoying TotK as well. So let’s take a break from Link… by playing some D&D with…
Link: the Hero of Hyrule
I was actually a little apprehensive about this sheet at first. During initial planning, I worried that Link may be boring as a D&D character. I immediately clocked him as a fighter with some specialized talents, and while fighters are a great class that is a lot of fun to play, would that sheet be fun to make? And more importantly, fun to read?
I quickly discovered that Link has the potential to be an incredibly fun D&D character with a lot of potential personalization. For example, do you want to make weapons like in TotK? Add a level or two of Artificer!
I lucked out with some stats and happened to roll decently (with the help of some boosts and modifiers), and after dumping the highest rolls in Strength and Dexterity I moved on to the rest of the stats. He’s good at making friends everywhere he goes with literally no words and can seemingly eat darn near anything.
So Link has decent but not incredible Charisma and Constitution. But when it came to Wisdom and Intelligence… There’s a reason Link has the Triforce of Courage and not Wisdom. He’s what I like to call pure of heart and dumb of ass. He is a brave, kind, dummy and that’s what we all love about him.
For his Martial Archetype, I chose Arcane Archer because archery is such a huge part of the game. The world slows down to let you shoot. And specialized arrows let you do nearly anything you could dream of. Yes, the Master Sword is his weapon – and we’ll get to that in just a moment. But when I play, archery is my bread and butter and I don’t think that’s uncommon.
But he also fights with anything if need be. Broken sword? No problem, grab another. No sword? That’s alright, have this stick! I gave Link the Tavern Brawler feat not because he’s particularly interested in tavern brawling, but for his proficiency with improvised weapons. Nonweapons have weapon potential to Link.
And of course, Link has his Master Sword. The one on this sheet was improvised a bit by doubling the Longsword stats. In your own game, you may want to run this idea past your DM. But I find most DMs will help you commit to a good bit and craft special items for their party.
Should I have included the glider? Does it come back for TotK? I told you, I’m not that far in yet!
How would you make Link as a Dungeons and Dragons character? Which Zelda game is your favorite? What TV show, movie, or game would you like to see sheets from next? Let us know in the comments!
Happy adventuring!