Mantic Launches ‘Vault’ And Embraces 3D Printing With An Official Library of STLs

Mantic Games announces Mantic Vault as an official 3D Printing STL Library you can subscribe and buy official sculpts from.
Miniatures makers and game companies around the world are still trying to sort out how to deal with 3D printing in regards to their games. There are questions about legality, manufacturing, and (of course) profits. Mantic has made a bold move and decided to embrace this new, industry disrupting technology by launching Mantic Vault. You can down purchase STLs directly from Mantic for their official sculpts.
“We’re about to enter a brave new world and launch our wonderful new STL library, with a growing collection of files that will be available either as themed packs or on subscription.”
Mantic Vault
You can visit the main Mantic Vault site Here and start ordering up STL files. Mantic also has a very informative FAQ page about the new Vault as well. Here’s a few helpful bits of info:
“Is it the whole range?
This is a new way of having many of our previously resin-exclusive sculpts delivered to your 3D printer with the click of a mouse. The Vault isn’t replacing our hard plastic sprues, which are already widely available from our brilliant retail partners both online and offline.
In addition to complete sculpts (like our impressive Armada ships), we’ll also be offering popular upgrades that you can use to customise our plastic kits (like the Storm Giant arms/head).
We will have different factions in our monthly STL packs, and if you’re collecting an army that currently uses resin upgrade kits this will offer amazing value. Buy once and print as many as you need!”
“Is this another subscription?
Yes and no! You can subscribe to get file packs cheaper and earlier, but anyone can buy STL packs as a one-off purchase to complete your collection (three months after we first release them).
If you’re a Companion subscriber: you can upgrade your subscription to access both services combined for less than £10 a month. You just need to use the same login details across both the Companion and Vault sites.
We’re getting things rolling with an early-bird price, and there are even further savings for companion subscribers – as you can see below. These discounts will run for the lifetime of your subscription(s) once you lock them in, so represent an awesome deal:”
Are these files just for personal use?
Yes, your license will cover personal use only. We’re making these official files available in good faith that our awesome community will use them legally and as intended. We have no initial plans for commercial licenses, but we will review this regularly now that the service is up and running.
There will be vault exclusives included as well. These exclusives are designed to be “cosmetic upgrades” more than anything and shouldn’t have any direct impact on gameplay. Even if you don’t have a 3D printer (but have access to one from a friend or other service) you can still purchase these files and get them to print the models for you.
3D printing it the tabletop wargaming space has been a hot topic and will continue to be one in the future. While other companies struggle to figure out how to deal with this newer technology Mantic has opted to embrace the 3D printing market and hopes the community will act in good faith as well. It’s going to be interesting to see how this one plays out!
Will you be subscribing to Mantic’s 3D printing Library?