Pathfinder Remaster Changes: Player Core Edition – Say Goodbye to Alignment

With four new books in the upcoming Pathfinder Remaster Project, change is coming. And these, specifically, to the Player Core book.
Paizo’s big new Pathfinder Remaster Project promises to revamp the rules of Pathfinder 2nd Edition. Not only will it be exorcising the last vestiges of OGL-related content from the rules, but the project will also incorporate lots of player feedback and rules updates that have come out since then.
This means there’s a lot of change coming to the 2nd Edition. And if you’ve been playing day in, day out, you probably know some of these already. But for the rest of us, here’s a look at some of the changes coming to the PRP. These come from a variety of sources. Including from Reddit Threads and the Paizo Blog and Twitch Streams.
Pathfinder Remaster Project – Player Core Changes
The Pathfinder Player Core book contains the main swath of the Pathfinder 2E player-facing rules. It’s the handbook for players, if you will, and keeps everything you need to play contained in one easy 464-page book. Which will have eight ancestries, eight character classes, and all their attendant feats and spells.
Alongside this are plans to incorporate new rules, errata, and updates to make the book feel more ‘modern’ for Pathfinder 2E. Which, to be fair, the game has evolved over the course of its life.
Some of the biggest changes for the Player Core include revised versions of the Witch. Witches will have more interactions with their patron and changes to Hex to make it a little more playable, while their mechanics emphasize their familiars.
Alongside the new Witch are the Nephilim, a new ancestry that takes the place of “planar scions” like the Aasimar and Tiefling. Now that these are gone, there’s a one-stop shop for all your planar heritage options. Well. For those relating to angels and demons and all that kind of thing, at any rate.
But perhaps the biggest change is that Alignment is gone! As announced on Twitch, it’ll be replaced. Now alignments like good and evil don’t exist (though the concepts still do, for those of you who have already jumped to the comments to yell). Instead, there are new tools to play with, called Edicts and Anathema. These handle the things that a deity demands and that a deity will not abide.
Which slots nicely into the celestial/fiend dichotomy. So a deity many consider good, like Sarenrae, might have an Anathema against cruelty, for instance. These are already being explored in the game, but now they’ll take a more central role.
What do you think of some of these changes? Let us know in the comments!