RPG: Lancer’s New Mission Module, ‘Dustgrave’, Brings the Action and a Tactical Map

Dustgrave is a brand new Mission Module for Lancer complete with nine missions, tactical maps, and templates for days.
If you’re a fan of Lancer, you should probably just go grab Dustgrave right now. You were already thinking about it when you saw this headline, and this is your sign to just go do it right now. After all, you’ve been hoping to find some good examples of how to structure missions. And the NPC templates are absolutely to die for.
For the rest of you, Dustgrave is still very good. It is Lancer at its best. It’s packed with different mission types, it’s perfect for taking players past the speedbump License Levels, and it’s a great way to really put the system through its paces. Especially for you would-be GMs. Lancer might have a lot of crunchy mech-on-mech combat, but boy howdy does it demand prep work from the GM.
Why not let Ralf Ziegler, the module’s author, do that work for you?
Lancer: Dustgrave – Now Available
Dustgrave is a structured mission module for Lancer, written and designed by Ralf Ziegler, and designed for more experienced groups who want to challenge themselves with an adventure in a unique setting.
This module will take characters from License Level 2 to LL4 across two missions. In addition to nine combat scenes spread across two missions, some of them branching paths, this module also contains new player options suitable for any Lancer campaign:
- The IPS-N Störtebeker – Alt frame for the IPS-N Raleigh license. The Störtebeker is a fast combined arms frame that dynamically reloads its weapons whenever it scores a critical hit.
- The SSC Viceroy – Alt frame for the SSC Monarch license. The Viceroy represents a smaller and more close-range oriented version of the Monarch, it comes with the powerful ability to treat all of its Launcher-type weapons as CQB weapons to deliver devastating close-range firepower.
- New GMS Gear – A cluster of GMS gear focusing on Superheavies, including a core bonus and two new weapons for the GMS catalog, the Tempest Charged Blade and Hurricane Cluster Projector.
- Three New Talents: Field Analyst, Prospector, and Iconoclast.
- New Exotic gear tailored to Havelburg’s unique environment
- Three new NPC Templates to further customize your NPC foes – The dreadful Horror, the humble Industrial, and the ruthless Spec-Op.
- Each combat encounter in Dustgrave is also accompanied by its own fully illustrated tactical map, with artwork by SIEGEFAULT, made for use with hex grids. Additional artwork provided by Cosmixian, Cygthera, Norgad, and Tom Finnbar Carroll.
Now that alone should be enough to get your mech-build senses tingling. Each of the three new talents opens up some exciting possibilities. Personally, I’m most excited about those templates. The Spec-Op, in particular, looks mean.
And you can take some of this for a spin! Because in addition to releasing the module, the .lcp files for all the player-facing content are available for free download. What is a .lcp file? It puts all the data into COMP/CON the character builder and game app that makes life with Lancer much much easier.
Check out ‘Lancer: Dustgrave’ today!