Star Wars: Five Times ‘Return of the Jedi’ Was the Greatest

It’s everything we love about Star Wars. Join us in the countdown of top five times Return of the Jedi was the greatest movie.
Many people consider the original trilogy to be the best of Star Wars movies. Of course, nothing is perfect–Return of the Jedi made some mistakes. But of course, the movie did a lot more right than wrong. Here are five reasons why original trilogy enthusiasts just might be right that Return of the Jedi is the greatest movie.
5. Leia Kills Jabba
The opening act of Jedi in which the heroes rescue Han is great. It’s packed full of action and intrigue. It plays almost more like an Oceans 11 heist than anything we’d seen in Star Wars at that point. Until it breaks down into a big fight. To me, one of the best parts of this bit is when Princess Leia kills Jabba the Hutt.
Leia has always been a badass and has repeatedly gotten in on the action. This moment really cements her role as an icon. Even when seemingly weak and helpless, she is able to take her destiny into her own hands and overcome her captor.
4. The Ewoks
Ewoks tend to get more hate leveled at them than anything else in the OT. And I think this is a huge mistake. I’ve heard all the arguments: “They are too cute and kiddy.” “Ewoks were just invented to sell toys to kids.” “It should have been Wookiees like in the original draft, those were cool!” But I think these all miss a point.
Ewoks are great because they are short and cuddly. And full of murder. It’s the contrast that sells them. It’s also a core theme in Star Wars that the underdogs will win. The whole trilogy is about less-advanced Rebels beating the Empire and the Ewoks are the ultimate expression of that.
3. The Emperor
Palpatine doesn’t really have a lot of screen time in the OT. He doesn’t even show up until Empire, and then he’s just a hologram. Even in Jedi he doesn’t have all that much time on the screen. And yet he dominates the time he does have. He’s sinister, and scheming, and he oozes evil. From the first time you see him, he’s clearly the ultimate evil, and he’s got some banger lines. He also works as a great evil counterpart to Yoda. Physically unimpressive, yet with amazing power at his finger tips. Even with limited time he left his mark on Star Wars so much that the saga hasn’t even been able to come up with a better villain.
2. The Battle of Endor
Nearly 40 years later, the Battle of Endor is still considered one of the best space battles of all time. When it came out, it might have been the largest space battle on screen, and it was certainly the most impressive. It was the first time we got to see capital ships fight.
Honestly, I don’t think I need to say much about why this battle is amazing. If you’ve seen it you know. If you haven’t, go watch it.
1. Luke’s Redemption of Anakin Skywalker
The Redemption of Anakin Skywalker is the most moving and important part of the movie. Arguably it is, or was, the central event in all of Star Wars. It’s a powerful moment when love triumphs over evil. Not in a cheesy way, but in a realistic way. Vader, twisted and horrible, fell because of love. But ultimately he is saved by love. It’s also importantly a triumph for his son, Luke Skywalker.
It’s proof that the old Jedi ways were wrong. Luke’s refusal to give up on someone who still has good in them and his refusal to reject love and family goes against the Jedi Code. It’s something an old-school Jedi would never do. It’s why for all their power, Obi-Wan and Yoda failed.
By finding a middle ground, Luke finds the balanced part of the Force. This is a hugely important lesson. It’s the point of Star Wars. Sadly it’s a point, and lesson, that some newer parts of the Star Wars lore seem to have forgotten. But that doesn’t lessen the impact that comes from showing that people can find redemption. The impact of this arc is a major reason why Return of the Jedi is the greatest Star Wars movie.
Let us know what your favorite part of the movie is, down in the comments!