Wargames Atlantic Lays All Their 2023 Plans Out – More Minis & STLs On the Way

Wargames Atlantic has a lot planned for this year – and there’s something for every hobbyist to get excited about!
Wargames Atlantic is a company that I love. They make hard plastic kits that are incredibly affordable to buy. On top of that, the company now offers models for 3D printers, and they continue to be incredibly busy!!!
Since they blasted onto the scene in 2019, they have produced an incredible number of hard plastic kits and have forty more in the pipeline! This company has been releasing at a breakneck speed with the number of plastic kits that they keep pumping out. For this year, they plan to release 12 new plastic kits in addition to their other projects. In a recent fireside chat article, Hudson from Wargames Atlantic let us know exactly what to expect from this company for the year to come.
Hard Plastic Minis Keep Coming
Wargames Atlantic has pumped out an incredible amount of plastic and has implemented a new voting system for customers to help decide which item gets released next in hard plastic. To vote, you buy a $5 voucher redeemable on their online store. Each $5 gets you one vote on what to release next and a $5 coupon code to apply to your next purchase. When an item gets to 1000 votes, it will be fast-tracked to be the next released kit. You can redeem your coupon right when you buy the vote or at a later date. Whichever you prefer.
The pace they’re putting new kits out is amazing, especially for a company that started in 2019. Those kits keep coming. Some of the recent ones I am interested in include these cool kits below!

These Ogres come with options to build them as Fantasy or Sci-Fi Ogres. They would likely go well together with either my Conquistador or Les Grognards army! More on them here.

The Death Fields range of minis are the ones that I have been enjoying the most lately from Wargames Atlantic. There are plenty of different kits available. Here is the Ooh Rah.

On this kit, Wargames Atlantic partnered with Reptilian Overlords to bring their Spacenam minis to life as hard plastic figures. They look really cool to me too.
I have not yet seen the kits above in person, but they look cool. I’ve built a lot of Wargames Atlantic kits over the years and love them all. Some of the kits that I have made recently that I really enjoyed include Les Grognards (both kits) and the Conquistadors.

The description on the back of the Conquistadors box. Fantastic Minis! Review here. And a look at the art of Wargames Atlantic’s Les Grognards Command and Heavy Support Boxed Set below. I want more of these figures and the Les Grognard basic infantry too. Review here.
Be sure to check out the Wargames Atlantic store for all of their other plastic kits too.

Digital 3D Printer Files Too
Wargames Atlantic has teamed up with MyMiniFactory for a while now and has developed a huge following there. You can join their tribe to get a deal on their new files or buy the digital sets individually too. Right now, Wargames Atlantic plans to put out 11 digital kits a month. That’s a lot of minis! Here are some quick samples of the kits.
Les Grognard Cavalry. I have someone printing me off a group of five of these right now. They look great!

They also offer Ogres with a more Sci-Fi feel than what is currently available in hard plastic. If you are looking for more sci-fi, these renders for a set of minis that they call “The Damned” are exciting

A multi-part historical hero mini. Flann Dubh the Irish Chieftain.

Fantasy Cultists. The renders on this minis look amazing! I want to take a closer look at these in the future.

A Secret Project?
One thing that I am incredibly excited about is the teases that he has given about an upcoming Kickstarter with another large company. What company that is, I do not yet know. They call this a secret project. The teases lead me to believe that we may be seeing some sort of full traitor guard (or guard) army in hard plastic! This Kickstarter will release 6 or more kits all at once. That’s exciting!
The tease below shows us a few things. I am making a leap that this may be the secret project, but I don’t 100% know. Whatever the secret project is, we know it will fit into their Sci-Fi Death Fields line of miniatures. The previews above look the part to me. From the teases I see here, I see cavalry, heavy weapon teams, regular soldiers, and maybe ogres too. To me, this looks like a tease of four different box sets. That means that there are at least another two kits not yet teased. So awesome!

Wrapping It Up…
There you have it. You are now caught up on all of the news from Wargames Atlantic. Be sure to check out their website and their page on MyMiniFactory for all of the latest on their products.
Until next time, Happy Gaming, Everyone!!!
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