Warhammer 40K: 10th Ed Adepta Sororitas Rule Previews

The Adepta Sororitas are under the microscope with the latest Faction Focus from Games Workshop.
The Sisters of Battle are back in 10th edition with a rules update to match their fury! What will the Adepta Sororitas bring to the tabletop in 10th? That’s what we’re here to find out.
“Thanks to their ironclad belief in the great and gracious God-Emperor, the devout warriors of the Adepta Sororitas perform literal miracles on the battlefield. The Battle Sisters are clad in the finest armour and bear the holy trinity of weapons – the bolter, the flamer, and the meltagun. As the God-Emperor guides their aim, their battle hymns reach a crescendo.”
Adepta Sororitas Faction Rules
Army Rule – Acts of Faith
Acts of Faith return with some changes to the Miracle Dice. You don’t start off with a massive pool, instead you get 1 die at the start of each turn and also 1 die every time one of your Adepta Sororitas units is destroyed. So what do you use these dice for?
This system allows you to essentially guarantee a roll for any of the above dice rolls. Now you can only swap it out with the Miracle die that you rolled but at least you know the result!
Detachment Rule – The Blood of Martyrs
The Adepta Sororitas will get stronger the more damage they take…to a point. The bonuses to hit and wound are nice even if the unit total is taking a beating. At least the Sisters who are still around will be more accurate with their shots and to wound rolls.
Stratagem – Rejoice the Fallen
Rejoice the Fallen allows for some “out-of-turn” shooting. Now, it does require for the Adepta Sororitas unit to have taken some damage and they can only return fire on the unit that just shot them…but hey, return fire is better than no fire!
Unit Rules
Triumph of Saint Katherine
“The Triumph of Saint Katherine brings a veritable museum exhibit of holy trinkets to bear upon the battlefield, each with their own effects.”
With only a toughness of 3 this unit does make for a juicy target option. However, with 18 wounds and a 3+/4++ it’s not going to go down easy. And that’s before you select your Relics of the Matriarchs option (one of which is a Feel No Pain 6+ ability). In any case this is a buff machine and if it can manage to stick around the Triumph of Saint Katherine will certainly inspire the other Sisters around her!
Battle Sisters Squad
With a built in 6+ invulnerable save the Sisters can tank the best of shots with a little luck on their side. Futhermore, they are super efficient with their Miracle dice. They have a few ways to generate Miracle dice and once per game can basically use one and replace it instantly. With a wide array of weapons and a solid statline the Battle Sister Squad is a an excellent Battleline option.
We get a look at Indirect Fire here as well as a pretty gnarly look at the weapon profile of the Exorcist. This missile launcher will still be able to rain wrathful fire down on all sorts of targets and be quite effective at it!
Here’s a look at the Lance of Illumination from Morven Vahl. She’s got the dual Strike and Sweep options but with her own flavor. Either option is going to make quick work of whichever target she needs to carve up.
The Adepta Sororitas will purify the battlefield with fire and fury in 10th Edition!